Movies with sorry names and content

Marcelino 2022-04-19 09:01:23

When I was watching Alice before, I saw the promotional video of this film and
it felt really good, the momentum was really majestic, and the special effects were very Hollywood-level
. After it was released, I rushed over to watch
NND! ! ! ! You cheat my feelings! ! ! !
I won’t talk about the changed part of Greek mythology. It’s strange not to adapt it. I know you can’t finish a movie with such a huge story, but! ! ! but! ! ! Can't you make the main story better? Make the story simple and easy to understand and attractive?
If you don't have a general understanding of Greek mythology, it seems easy to be confused. Even if you understand Greek mythology, you will still be confused when you read this story. Although there is a princess in it, it is a pity that the princess has a butt chin + aunt face, and it is said that it is comparable to Venus, Director, your aesthetic level...
Of course, the other heroine looks much better in comparison with this princess~~~ I suddenly feel, ah, there is actually a beauty in this movie, remember, ha, Beauty needs to be compared.
The main plot was messed up, and I didn't see the scene of the group of gods fighting that I thought there would be at the beginning. The most exciting scene at the end, I thought there would be some surprises, but the result... 1 , 2, 3------> The bad guy has been defeated, it's over.
Hey………………Will the fight at the end end too quickly?
Anyway, I strongly don't recommend watching it. I'm usually dozing off when I see it in the cinema, and there's nothing special about it when I see the end.

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Extended Reading

Clash of the Titans quotes

  • Calibos: [to Perseus] You reek of your father.

  • Draco: There is a God in you. Be sure to bring it. End of lesson.