a few regrets

Davonte 2022-04-19 09:01:21

I think it's the second best film in the "Superman" series, second only to "Superman II", and Lois's performer Kate Bernster is amazing. I think the future is limitless, and if the film is selected properly, it can completely compete Carrie Johansson, a charming and intelligent person. Disappointment instead made Kevin Spacey, after "American Beauty", I haven't seen any commendable work from this dude, "The Seven Deadly Sins", "The Usual Suspects" are unique and emotional His anti-bone experience seems to have failed to help him shape Lex Luthor well. Compared with Kim Hackman's performance, it is not only a lack of humor, but also the femininity and treacherousness is much more contrived. This performance might be fine for the Goblin, but Lex Luthor? No, he is not a pervert or a shapeshifter, because he has a little low self-esteem inside, so he likes to show off and exaggerate, but what he does will not make Superman really fall into a desperate situation (that is what General Zod will do. ), he's a poor clown who goes around gags and doesn't make people really hate it. It's a pity that the screenwriter made Lex the only boss this time, destroying his original role. Spike is so deliberately cold, maybe it's a last resort. It is said that the new episode of Superman Zod will return, which is expected. Finding a non-human opponent is the life-saving straw of the Superman series.

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Extended Reading

Superman Returns quotes

  • Kitty Kowalski: Your friends give me the creeps.

    Lex Luthor: Prison is a creepy place, Kitty, and one needs to make creepy friends in order to survive. On the inside, even my talents were worth less than a carton of cigarettes and a sharp piece of metal in your pocket.

  • Superman: I know lots of people are asking questions now that I'm back, and I think it's only fair that I answer... those people.

    Lois Lane: So... you're here for an interview?