Logic chaotic love action blockbuster

Augusta 2022-04-20 09:01:12

It's a very lively film at first glance, and think carefully about all kinds of unreliable films.
The transportation capacity, attack power and defense power of our future world are seriously out of line: huge giant ships that stably fly between galaxies, and shuttle back and forth is as easy and convenient as going home on vacation. Do the directors and writers know how much speed it takes to quickly travel back and forth between two planets with a suitable temperature and atmosphere? Well, you didn't mention space warping or jumping. Corresponding to such superb aircraft manufacturing technology and chemical technology and nuclear technology, it turns out that there are only heavy and huge bullets and firearms, and armor with basically zero protection. Civilian technology, even if the technology develops to a very high level, they are very consciously isolated from the military industry. Humans who are not aggressive live together in harmony. No one has ever had the delusion of attacking others, and naturally they do not need weapons. La. The weapons we saw were temporarily taken out of the museum.
Aside from all kinds of logical unreliability, this actual love and action movie is quite successful. The big battle scene that makes men feel bloody, the brutal and neat killing scene with violent beauty, bright and concise. Rhythm, brave male protagonist and male supporting, sexy female soldiers and female generals.
If you are surrounded by such a noble but not arrogant, beautiful but not vulgar, gentle and considerate girl, who pays equal attention to the inner and the outer, it will be difficult for you not to be moved; but if this girl is gentle and amiable but It's not just for you, if her mind is so smart that you can't figure it out, if her heart is persistently longing for the infinitely vast world, even if her heart hurts, she should calmly watch the beautiful shadow. She is the goddess that every young person longs for, but she will only belong to a better and broader world.
The girl who always looks at you and misses you, although she is not so gentle and elegant, dares to say out loud that she loves you and chooses her own life for you, is the life-long gift given to you by God.

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Starship Troopers quotes

  • Sky Marshal Dienes: We must meet this threat with our courage, our valor, indeed with our very lives to ensure that human civilization, not insect, dominates this galaxy *now and always*!

  • Carl: We thought there might be a Brain Bug on 'P'.

    Carmen: You knew and still you sent them?

    Carl: We couldn't afford to launch an operation if there wasn't one.

    [both Carmen and Johnny look at Carl with contempt]

    Carl: You disapprove? Well, too bad! We're in this war for the species, boys and girls. It's simple numbers. They have more. And every day I have to make decisions that send hundreds of people like you to their deaths.

    Johnny Rico: Didn't they tell you, Colonel? That's what the Mobile Infantry is good for.