To find a good man, you must have the mentality of being able to find a good man

Erika 2022-04-19 09:01:25

When I watched this drama, I really had five flavors. I cried when I saw what Lily said to Annie before she got married, I felt sick when I saw the collective vomiting and diarrhea, and I was depressed when I saw Annie fall into a low point in her life. . But what really made me unforgettable was that when I saw Annie's handsome boyfriend, I really wanted to beat him up. When I saw the police, I was actually moved for Annie, and when I saw Annie scared away, I really hated iron. not steel" feeling.

The handsome guy will call Annie to the house only when he needs it. After the storm is over, he will make Annie get out of bed, let Annie go back, and not allow Annie to stay at home for the night. . The iron door outside the house was closed, and Annie had to turn over. . Annie is really cheap enough for herself. . Lily said Annie, I don't like seeing you like this. Every time I go to him, it hurts to come back. . Then he gave up on himself and went to him again. . . Annie thought it was a relationship until Lily was getting married, until she met the normal nice cop.

The normal nice cops liked the cakes Annie used to make, and after a bit of understanding, they finally went to bed. Annie is sorry for being too tired to stay at the police's house for the night, but the police watch Annie stay with her until she wakes up, and after she wakes up, bring a warm cup of coffee and buy a set of baking Cutlery, waiting for Annie to make her favorite cake, and then waiting to eat it by herself, like a couple. However, Annie, who was accustomed to the gun appointment mode, was scared away.

After Annie was scared away, she did not have the confidence to continue to face the police and chose to escape. After the car was hit, when I saw the police again, the police said they couldn't understand their relationship, why did Annie want to fuck with him, and then ran away, making it like a one-night stand, was she taking advantage of herself? Annie said, I still don't understand you men, you are all virtuous. Then the police said, with this mentality, will you meet a good man? ! This is the sentence that touched me the most in the whole play. Annie also woke up after listening to it. Although she got into the car of the handsome guy, she finally chose to get out of the car and cut off the relationship with the handsome guy.

After begging the police for forgiveness and asking the police for help, after participating in Lily's wedding, the police came to the wedding scene and took Annie away. I hope Annie can meet a good man and live a normal relationship from now on.

We all see ourselves more or less in Annie, what I see is, but you prescribe this person or even a man is this virtue, this thing or this company is like this, my life and even my life is like this When it was dark, thinking about Annie, she just met a bad man and delayed herself, and more importantly, she had no hope for men. If it weren't for the changes in the future, she might have missed this normal and good policeman, and all the people she would encounter in the future would be gun friends. What kind of person or life people want, you must first adjust your mentality before you can attract the results you want.

mutual encouragement.

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Bridesmaids quotes

  • Officer Nathan Rhodes: You're like the maid of dishonor.

  • Annie: You read my diary?

    Brynn: At first I did not know it was your diary, I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.