The old man and the sea - I feel like watching Uncle Depp's "Pirates 5", may the old man keep his sea forever

Jalyn 2022-04-19 09:01:26

There has been no update for the past two days, because I went to remember Uncle Qu Yuan. We played a game of chess with feelings. He completely abused me without making any mistakes. I said, Uncle, have you played tens of thousands of games with yourself? Uncle Qu Yuan smiled meaningfully and waved goodbye to me.

Speaking of uncle, I think of Depp, 54 years old. "The Old Man and the Sea" reappears on the screen after a 7-year absence. It is another adventure and a feeling. The same smoky makeup, the same lazy captain, but lacks the personality charm of the previous films. I feel that the captain should be a spiritual pillar of the whole play, but "Dead Men Tell No Tales" is really a bit tasteless.

The captain gave up the compass and what he wanted most in his heart. The compass is the direction of the heart. On the contrary, Xiao Hei prefers the villain Salazar. He is a hero of the navy. He used to be so mighty in one-on-one battles. He took the elimination of pirates as his mission and made outstanding achievements. If there was no Jack, Salazar would definitely be a hero of the sea. Of course, under the social background at that time, the Great Britain did not allow the Spanish family to dominate in the era of great voyages. The captain was the one who blocked the pace of Spain. That gorgeous turn was truly a miracle.

When it comes to feelings, I have to say that Barbossa, as a villain, will release the brilliance of humanity before dying. The selfish Barbossa chose to sacrifice for his daughter, and also verified the line "Although her father is a bastard. , but I still want my daughter to be happy." The ending is always happy, Will and Elizabeth's family are reunited, which is simply dog ​​abuse.

I have to talk about Uncle Depp's acting skills here. Captain Jack was played alive by him. It can be said that without Depp, there would be no captain, and there would be no classic pirate series.

Finally, I want to say that the young captain is too handsome (the live-action version of Luffy has both visual sense), and I hope the old man will always keep his sea.

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Extended Reading

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales quotes

  • Captain Jack Sparrow: [realizing that Carina is Barbossa's daughter] Smyth? Smyth is quite an unusual name. Did we not once know some one called Smyth?

    Captain Hector Barbossa: Shut your trap!

    Captain Jack Sparrow: What was her name? It's on the tip of me tongue.

    Captain Hector Barbossa: [Unsheathing his sword] Do you want to lose that tongue?

    Captain Jack Sparrow: Margaret Smyth! Should we make an accord then? Or should I tell you-know-who what we both know to be true?

    Captain Hector Barbossa: We both take this secret to our graves!

    Captain Jack Sparrow: Oh! You mean it's true? I was bluffing.

    Captain Hector Barbossa: I'm not!

  • Captain Jack Sparrow: I once knew a Spaniard named... something in Spanish.

    Henry: El Matador del Mar. 'The Butcher of the Sea'.