The plot is probably

Isabel 2022-04-23 07:01:22

His wife and daughter were killed in front of his eyes, and the culprit was caught. The evidence is conclusive, but because of the pedantic judicial procedure and the degeneration of the black male protagonist who was obsessed with winning the case, the first culprit finally got only 3 years in prison, and the accomplice became the deputy. Lamb, executed after 10 years in prison. But the accomplice who was supposed to be euthanized was injected with poison and died in pain. When the turmoil resurfaced, Clyde, who harbored great hatred, began to plan for revenge. First, he killed the accomplice Ami, tricked Dobby into being caught, and brutally tortured and killed him. But his revenge didn't stop there, he was targeting the entire justice system. The lawyer who kidnapped Dobby, but died because the warden didn't keep the meal delivery time and missed the rescue, and then killed his fellow inmates. The purpose is to go to the separate room, where the tunnel is dug, ready for the next plan. It turned out that he was a senior secret agent. The judge who answered the phone was killed with a cell phone bomb. In the next negotiation, the male black master did not resume the negotiation, and his subordinates were killed by a car bomb when he left. After the funeral, he shot and killed the warden in the car with a drone. Finally, when he wanted to use a bomb to blow through the building and kill the mayor who was holding a security meeting, he was found by the male black and his partner.

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Law Abiding Citizen quotes

  • Clyde Shelton: [talking privately outside the prison] I'm at war with this...

    [indicating the system]

    Clyde Shelton: This, this broken thing. This thing that brought you and I together.

    Nick Rice: This broken thing works for people that are sane. You think doing what you're doing is going change anything? You and whoever else you have helping you, are gonna pay.

    Clyde Shelton: I don't think you have any idea who's helping me, or what I'm doing.

    Nick Rice: It's a matter of time.

    Clyde Shelton: You see the bodies, you see the smoke. But the larger picture still eludes you.

  • Clyde Shelton: [talking privately outside the prison] I'm just getting started. I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased corrupt temple down on your heads. It's gonna be Biblical.