【Recollections and Recollections】"Law Abiding Citizens (2009)"

Darien 2022-04-20 09:01:14

'Law Abiding Citizens': A Brilliant Showdown of On-Screen Tough Guys

After starring in " 300 Warriors ", Gerard Butler 's acting career is going smoothly. There are already two films of "Ugly Facts" and " Live Action Game " released. For the coming "Law Abiding Citizen", Gerard Butler Said: "The story of this film has passed through the hands of many very talented directors. I have seen every version of the story, and I have seen how a classic story is slowly taking shape. The film has gone through many storms to be successful. , I think it's worth it, good things always take a long time, "Law Abiding Citizen" is about how a person faces the acquisition of the law and personal hatred, and when he is a law enforcer himself , the conflict is even more intense . This movie is not that simple action movie, my Clyde Shelton has a lot of inner drama, which is very rare in a crime action movie. It doesn't make the audience feel that the protagonist is like this all the time, and it will feel boring. I really like the opposite scene with Jamie Foxx, and it feels very good to find a good actor to work with you in a film."

And for Jamie Foxx, who has starred in " Soul Singer ," " Knife Killer ," " Hot Cover, " and "The Soloist ," the role in "Law Abiding Citizen" was a relief: At first they told me, This is a movie where Gerard Butler sings a one-man show. I was only a supporting role. Later, when I went to the set, I found out that I had a lot more roles than I thought. The protagonist (laughs). I think the story of "Law Abiding Citizen" looks very ordinary, but it's actually very special. There are many plots in the film that will surprise you and even fascinate me. After the filming, I kept asking the director, "This film will There won't be a sequel?" And he's weird -- I can't tell you why he's weird, so I'd be revealing the key plot of the movie. All in all, "Law Abiding Citizen" is an action movie that will surprise you.

Weak legal system

With a music biopic "Soul Singer" (Ray) successfully crowned emperor, Jamie Foxx was also nominated for best supporting actor Oscar for his superb acting in "Collateral" ( Collateral ), and his With an astoundingly versatile acting career spanning a wide variety of film productions, Fox said: "Nick has an obligation and responsibility to the legal system that sometimes prevents him from doing some justice and dealing with him. Choice. Nick was constrained by the system he was in when exercising his powers that did not allow him to draw conclusions as he wished. The fact that Nick was a good man and every decision he made was limited by the law, but that did not mean It's the right thing to do. The law is always flawed and can't be perfect, so Nick is always trying to manipulate everything in this imperfect world." Producer Lucas Foster added: "" The content of Law Abiding Citizen is not about a black and white world, where the main characters are forced to intersect because of a tragedy, and they all get it right and they get it wrong."

As Gerard Butler's co-producer, producer Alan Siegel read an early screenplay written by Kurt Wimmer and realized it was a In a poignant and witty tone, Siegel said: "The whole story is a terrible message...I still remember that Butler and I met Vimmer at an awards ceremony for a movie, and he told us Introduced myself - I said to Vimmer that we are all big fans of his work and asked him if he had any other movie scripts waiting to be made. The next day he gave me this "Law Abiding Citizen" It was delivered, and I read the script very quickly, and I called Butler that night, and we hit it off and decided to work as a producer for it together. In my opinion, the film is really digging into what our country has A flawed judicial system, in which the two main characters want to create a more perfect order, but because their starting points are different, this also determines how much personal sacrifice they are willing to make. The solutions they adopt force As they went to two extremes, they left the audience with a series of questions that everyone wanted to know, what does the so-called 'justice' really mean at the end of the story?"

After careful consideration, several producers unanimously decided to choose F. Gary Gray to direct "Law Abiding Citizen" because they all saw the implications of Gray's previous films. The energy and tension of "Be Cool," " The Italian Job," " The Negotiator," and " Set It Off," Lucas "We all knew we really wanted to work with Gray, because he's been making some really interesting films in a row, and the hardest thing about them is that they've got a great deal of tone," Foster said. Differences, the only thing in common is that the focus is all on some highly complex characters. For this film, we need an experienced person who has thought about it carefully, for such a special story material , Gray seems to be the most ideal filmmaker we could find."

Since the mid-1990s, when he knocked on the door of a director's career with a very innovative " Friday ", F. Gary Gray has been because of the great ideas and originality of his works, And accumulating more and more fame, Lucas Foster said: "Grey is a very quiet and calm man, but I can see what kind of incredible magic he has in his eyes. Watching him work on set, I was always amazed at how much effort he put into character development, as well as the visual imagination of the film - it seemed like he had specific ideas and ideas in mind from the very beginning. Content, there is no doubt that Gray is a true cinematic guru.

Jamie Foxx has worked with many of Hollywood's most prestigious film directors, including Oliver Stone, Sam Mendes, and Michael Mann, but this is his Working with F. Gary Gray for the first time. Gray still remembers the phone call from Fox that eventually led to the possibility of directing "Law Abiding Citizen," Gray said: "He called me and said, 'I really like this. I think you should also look at the script, I think the story material is very suitable for you.' Then I read the script and found that not only did it tell a good idea that was very much to my liking, but I also urgently I've been looking forward to working with Fox for years, and there's no better opportunity for us than 'Law Abiding Citizen' to make this film a great start." Fox continued: "Grey The point of view has an incredible ability to expand, through his hands, the picture of the whole story presents an epic grand, I think it's all because of the way he shoots the film, and most directors do not The way to do it. Gray is also able to introduce legendary contrasts at the right moment, urging each of our actors to work hard to bring the best of themselves to the big screen."

Behind the scenes

From victim to murderer

In "Law Abiding Citizen," Gerard Butler, who also co-produced the role of Clyde Shelton, who exudes a vengeful rage ...from The Phantom of the Opera, which embodies the Broadway stage art, to the CGI action film 300, to the Guy Ritchie-directed crime epic, Gangs of Rock . "(RocknRolla), Butler has shaped one box office miracle after another in various film fields, but he still claims that this "Law Abiding Citizen" has extraordinary meaning for him, Butler said: "In my memory I have never been so excited and eager to try any other work in the film, and I think some of the themes in the film have a very deep significance that can help us keep thinking."

The sad and helpless revenge story told in the film revolves entirely around Clay's law-abiding citizenship. In fact, at first, he looked like an ordinary victim in a burglary and murder case; and Philadelphia. Prosecutor Nick Rice -- played by Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx -- is accidentally caught up in a conspiracy of violence and hatred, where he represents law enforcement, seemingly forever It's one step behind the criminal... At the beginning, it was producer Lucas Foster (Lucas Foster) and screenwriter Kurt Wimmer (Kurt Wimmer) who constructed the prototype of the script, Foster "The basic idea of ​​the film is that a man who was betrayed by the legal system decided to fight back, and even if he was locked up in prison, he was still able to calmly strategize. We all like to believe that when someone violates the legal or moral bottom line, The arrests of more or less amounted to an end to the whole affair, no matter what the outcome, the suspects were found guilty or innocent, and it all ended -- but in "Law Abiding Citizen" , this is just the beginning."

An unusual and out-of-the-box starting point that convinced Gerard Butler that "Law Abiding Citizen" was more than a standard psychological thriller, he said: "This film really surprised me. Stupid, this is something that ordinary thrillers can't do... The development of the whole story, full of unimaginable accidents, completely exceeded people's expectations. You know from the beginning of the film that a terrible crime happened Destroyed an otherwise happy family - as the only one who survived, you can't help but feel sorry for him. But as all the facts and conflicts grow stronger and more terrifying, in the end, you will Found myself developing feelings for two opposing characters, both victims of some kind of system."

"Law Abiding Citizen" also looks at the irreconcilability and contradictions of the current obviously overburdened justice system with a kind of accusatory accusation, Lucas Foster said: "For a country, the government is a Great institution, but sometimes it can be a double-edged sword with both pros and cons, especially when dealing with extraordinarily complex and connected events like 'fairness and justice'. If I were an ordinary person , and this terrible tragedy happened to me, I think I will also ask for the corresponding compensation, I will entrust everything to the law enforcement department, and naturally I hope to get a fair trial and result... However, Clyde did not Didn't get justice, so he made an amazing decision to carry out himself. To be honest, I have a lot of sympathy for him, and I would have given up everything if such a tragedy happened to someone else I care about , just to give them an account - Clyde did what he thought was right and admirable."

In the film, the government department appears in the image of Assistant Attorney Nick, Jamie Foxx said: "My role is a stark contrast to Clyde, Nick works inside the law enforcement system, but sometimes, So-called law doesn't always work to the best of its ability, and he's faced with a moral dilemma."

A well-crafted revenge story

"Law Abiding Citizen", which tells the story of a good old man's revenge for his family, although the story probably sounds nothing special, but the screenwriter lineup can't help but say that it is strong. Four screenwriters Kurt Wimmer , David Ayer, Sheldon Turner , and Frank Darabont revised the script several times before finally taking shape. Among them, Kurt Wimmer, who worked as the screenwriter of the first edition, mentioned this story and said: The story of "Law Abiding Citizen" was originally conceived by me. The story at that time was very simple, it was just about a loneliness with a bloody vendetta. A tragic story of how a hero fights against a society as a whole, but before the whole movie was on track, Frank Darabont approached me and he thought there was a possibility of modification of the story and he said to me, 'You don't Mind if I call someone else to change your story', I said to him, I won't, I really trust you, you can just change it. And he actually respects me, the whole story of law-abiding citizens doesn't have much action, but some new plots they added do make the whole story more beautiful.

The original director of the film was Frank Darabont. The director who had directed classics such as "The Shawshank Redemption " and " Miracle on the Green Mile " was also one of the screenwriters of the film, although he eventually withdrew. The director of this film, but he still has high hopes for the film itself: when I got the script, I was deeply attracted after reading it, and then I decided to write the whole story more in line with my heart. The look of a crime movie, and the script that came out at the end was very satisfying to me. "Law Abiding Citizen" has a very good cast, Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx are very suitable for the characters in this story, and for the audience, the feeling of this combination is very fresh, I think they two People are an important factor in this film, especially when the story is about victimization and revenge, Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx can find the right fit for their own in this story. Location.

When Kurt Wimmer, who has directed films such as " Tear Doom " and " Deadly Violet ", talked about the change of director candidates for this film, he said: I am very obsessed with action movies, so I also wrote a lot of stories about action movies script. "Law Abiding Citizen" is about a revenge story, and it's reassuring to me that F. Gary Gray is directing it, because his previous filming of "Breaking the Sun" was amazing, and it was also a story about revenge, so I think he took the shot It's quite appropriate to put the momentum of "Steal the Day" in "Law Abiding Citizen".

A wonderful duel of tough guys on the screen. After starring in "300 Warriors", Gerard Butler's acting career is going smoothly. This year alone, two films "Ugly Facts" and "Live Action" have been released. For the upcoming "Law Abiding Citizen" , Gerard Butler said: "The story of this film has passed through the hands of many very good directors. I have seen every version of the story, and I have seen how a classic story is slowly taking shape. The film experience It took a lot of turmoil to be able to shoot successfully. I think it is worth it. Good things always come through. "Law Abiding Citizen" is about how a person faces the choice between the law and personal hatred, and when he is a law enforcement officer, The conflict is even stronger. It's not such a simple action movie in this movie, and my Clyde Sheldon has a lot of inner drama, which is very rare in a crime action movie. , they click to stop at the same time, and the audience will not feel that the protagonist is like this all the time, and it will feel boring. I really like the opposite scene with Jamie Foxx, and it feels very good to find a good actor to work with you in a film." And for Jamie Foxx, who has starred in "Soul Singer", "Knives Killing", "Hot Cover", "Solo" and other roles, the role in "Law Abiding Citizen" made him feel more relaxed: "At first they told me , this is a movie in which Gerard Butler sings a one-man show. I was only a supporting role. Later, when I went to the set, I found out that my role was much more than I thought, and it was almost more than Gerard Butler. I have a leading role (laughs). I think the story of "Law Abiding Citizen" looks very ordinary, but it is actually very special. There are many plots in the film that will surprise you, and even make me a little fascinated. After the filming, I kept asking The director, 'Will there be a sequel to this movie?' He's still weird -- I can't tell you why he's weird, so I'm revealing the key plot of the movie. In short, "Law Abiding Citizen" is a An action movie that will surprise you.” [3]

movie review

NightmareX netizens wonderful film review

Many people think that Nick is the one who should be killed the most. Personally disagree.

The protagonist's desire for revenge is relieved after dismembering the main culprit, and all subsequent actions stem from anger and hatred for the outdated and loopholes judicial system and to achieve a more profound purpose...

He spent 10 years planning a revenge plan while learning and researching the judicial system, so that he could talk to Nick in the confession room without leaving any loopholes, and even be his own defense lawyer. He had already realized that Nick was not on the side of evil that he had seen. But he knew that in the face of the broken judicial system, Nick did not dare to take risks even though he knew the facts and the truth in his heart. In the end, he chose to compromise between the settlement rate and justice.

The protagonist also knows that he cannot subvert the entire system by himself, so he chooses to shape a person who can defend justice. Nick was not, but he knows that Nick wants to do it. That's why he's killing the judge, why he's killing the mayor's attorney general. In this way, Nick can logically rise to a higher level in politics and achieve a certain dominance in the judiciary. He made deals with Nick time and time again, which is to make Nick realize again and again that making deals with criminals will only make tragedies happen again and again.

The "Law Abiding Citizen" poster kills innocent people, not what the protagonist wants. But he was angry and desperate, and he believed that a series of bloody lessons could be used to guide the inspector named Nick on the path of true justice . In the film, if I remember correctly, the protagonist shows a deep sense of guilt after killing at least two times .

As mentioned above, if the protagonist just wants simple revenge, he doesn't need such a long time to plan. With his ability, he doesn't even need to go to prison, he can let the police wait for his trial one by one without evidence. those whom he considers guilty. But why did he choose to implement such a massive plan with Nick at the center? If he sees Nick as an accomplice to the criminal, why not put Nick in the first few steps of the plan and kill him?

Yes, the protagonist is waiting for Nick's last words, "I will not deal with murderers again".

So that when he finally saw the bomb he made, he didn't have too much surprise or too much fear. What he showed was only repentance and liberation. He had already reported his determination to die, and only hoped for an upright prosecutor to stand up to defend justice.

The ending is perfect. After the death of the protagonist's wife and children, he is left with only despair and hatred in this world, but he uses his own death in exchange for the people's hope for justice...

Good actor, good script, good director... very good film!

The revenge at the cost of six lives, in exchange for the prosecutor's one-sided understanding of law enforcement: I will not make deals with murderers again. The sensory decision shaped by the prosecutor and the extremely selfish side are deeply imprinted in the minds of the audience.中. This is what makes others feel sad. The background of the phoenix nirvana at the end of the protagonist means the continuation of anger, and the director wants to resonate with the audience on a spiritual level. A few bad jokes with the inmates are to slow down the tragedy . The atmosphere of the film. Generally speaking, I have a high evaluation of this film, and it is very suitable for my appetite. It constantly challenges the bottom line of the legal system and the pale justice. It is a beautiful slap in the face.

one sentence review

1. The improvement of the judiciary still needs to go through a long process.

2. The exquisite and powerful ten-year plan can be called a perfect crime, but unfortunately the ending is a little thin, so it feels a bit top-heavy and still unfinished.

3. Just feel that the ending feels that all justice is still buried. The winner is the person who tried to bury all the previous charges. Although the plot is exaggerated, he is still skeptical of the judicial community.

4. Hate can make a person so crazy.

5. Going to jail is for jailbreaking.

6. If the muscular man succeeds in the end, it will be even better. . . My favorite bad taste is seeing self-righteous politicians get killed.

7. The family members of law-abiding citizens were brutally humiliated and massacred without legal justice. Ten years later , they appeared as messengers from hell !

8. The protagonist's revenge against the society is essentially his despair for the society.

9. This movie should be a great satire on today's Western democratic republic system, fair justice, unfair law enforcement, and it is worth thinking about.

10. The challenge to the American judicial system, clever + violent, with gimmicks, almost succeeded. The movie also came close [4] .

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Extended Reading

Law Abiding Citizen quotes

  • Clyde Shelton: [talking privately outside the prison] I'm at war with this...

    [indicating the system]

    Clyde Shelton: This, this broken thing. This thing that brought you and I together.

    Nick Rice: This broken thing works for people that are sane. You think doing what you're doing is going change anything? You and whoever else you have helping you, are gonna pay.

    Clyde Shelton: I don't think you have any idea who's helping me, or what I'm doing.

    Nick Rice: It's a matter of time.

    Clyde Shelton: You see the bodies, you see the smoke. But the larger picture still eludes you.

  • Clyde Shelton: [talking privately outside the prison] I'm just getting started. I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased corrupt temple down on your heads. It's gonna be Biblical.