nine deaths

Coralie 2022-04-20 09:01:20

In fact, you can guess the plot from the beginning, and it can be regarded as Cameron's growth.

The male protagonist was impulsive at first, and he paid the price for his immaturity. Cameron was released early because of his good behavior. In order to give her daughter a gift before her birthday, he sat in the air prison, but he almost died. But he was smart and witty, and he managed to gain trust. How should I put it, he is a very kind person, whether it is for the inmates or the female police officer. I sweated for him several times.

The plot of the whole film is still very compact, and the final plane crashing into the playground was also a thrill.

The film is also very sweet at the end.

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Con Air quotes

  • Francisco Cindino: [in the cockpit of the plane] Don't they have a way of tracking these planes?

    Swamp Thing: Oh, yeah. It's called a transponder. Every plane's got one, Cindino.

    Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones: [sarcastic] Swamp, where is the transponder?

    Cyrus Grissom: [looks at the empty bay] Ah! Where, indeed?

  • Cyrus Grissom: [to Agent Sims] You know, the next time you choose a human shield, you're better off not picking a two-bit negro crackhead.