1. Antonio: Son, the only time you're going to see the inside of a space shuttle is if you're cleaning it. 2. Dr. Lamar: ...He wants to apply here... 3. Dr. Lamar: ...I still haven't told you about my son have I. He's a big fan of yours... 4. Dr. Lamar: ...unfortunately my son's not all that they promised. But then again, who knows what he could do. 5. Dr. Lamar: For future reference, right handed men don't hold it with their left... just one of those things... 6. Dr. Lamar: Jermone Jerome, the metronome. 7. Dr. Lamar: Jerome, never shy, pisses on command. Beautiful piece of equipment you've got there Jerome. I ever told you that? 8. Dr. Lamar: New Policy, what's the matter? Flight got you nervous. 9. Dr. Lamar: Occupational hazard. I see a great many on the course of any given day. Your's just happens to be an exceptional example. Don't know why my folks didn't order one like that for me. 10. Dr. Lamar: That was it. 11. Dr. Lamar: You're gonna miss your flight Vincent . 12. German: There's still the matter of your height. 13. Irene: Not so long. Just once around the sun. 14. Jerome: 4'6" 15. Jerome: Ah well it could be worse. They could have found it in your eye. 16. Jerome: Do you want some of this? I could keep it for you in case you ever need it... I'm sorry. Sorry. 17. Jerome: I don't recognize you. 18 . Jerome: I got the better end of the deal. I only lent you my body - you lent me your dream. 19. Jerome: I've been able to walk this whole time, I was just faking it. 20. Jerome: If at first you dont succeed... try, try again.
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