Love and Hate Part 2

Delphine 2022-04-20 09:01:17

As far as the movie itself is concerned, kingsman2 is actually not a very successful popcorn movie, at least it is far worse than the first one. The plot is routine, the rhythm is protracted, the timeline is chaotic, the background music is abused, giving people a feeling of forced high, after two and a half hours, I am really tired... The protagonist's character is flat and has no growth, Harry's forced resurrection, all kingsman members And the forced death of Merlin, the serious and weak Aunt Moore, the basically useless emotional line of the ball... Even the first admirable and amazing violent aesthetics has become bloody and bad taste, in short The logic is so unreasonable that I can write 3000 words of rants. But the movie does not lose the first one in several fighting scenes and weapon innovations, and it is still very cool and cool. Especially the part where Harry regains his strength and fights side by side with Eggy at the end is really cool!!! Overall, it's a mixed bag. (By the way, I feel sorry for our ultimate "villain"... I saw a comment that you are actually just disagreeing, can't you sit down and talk about it, why do you have to put people in the meat grinder... This is also Too brutal...this shouldn't be the elegant style of kingsman)

But for me personally, I don't want to judge its content and rationality at all...I'm full of thoughts now "Uncle Face is so handsome, Uncle Face is the best looking man in a suit in the world, Harry was too young when he was young. Handsome, Harry's amnesia is so cute, Harry is so distressed when he is beaten, but he still looks so cute when he is wronged _(:з"∠)_ Ma Qiang is so handsome, Merlin's laugh when he tells the truth after drinking kill me. Eggy is so handsome, Pedro is so handsome, and the whip is so cool. Eggy candy, candy, candy!!!!! Dandan said I Need You!!!! I Need You!!!! I exploded in the cinema!!!! Really, me too I am a big fan of kingsman. At first, I drew a kingsman on a tablecloth and brought it to school to spread on the table every day. The second part made me wait for two and a half years. Now I still have the umbrella, pen and keychain in the kingsman at home, and all kinds of fans around... The plot is not important, as long as I can see the three of them together again The frame is good (unfortunately...Merlin just forced the lunch...I really didn't expect it)

One last word... Boss Qian is getting fatter and thicker and his neck is getting thicker...

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Kingsman: The Golden Circle quotes

  • Eggsy: Now we've finished the debrief, Harry, here's a couple of welcome back gifts. First up, a brand new Kingsman watch. Advanced software, it can hack into anything with a microchip. It is the bollocks. And, Merlin.

    Merlin: I made you these.

    [Merlin hands Harry an eyeglass case. Harry opens it]

    Harry Hart: A-ha.

    [Harry removes his eyepatch and puts on the new glasses]

    Harry Hart: Thank you, Merlin, Eggsy. How do I look?

    Merlin: You look...

    Very Drunk Redneck: Like some faggot lookin' for an eye fuckin'. Now, why don't you get out of our bar before I take out your other one?

    Whiskey: Now, is that any way to welcome a visitor from out of town, moonshine?

    Very Drunk Redneck: Okay. Suck my southern dick, bitch.

    Harry Hart: Oh, I don't think that'll be necessary.

    [gets up]

    Harry Hart: Good day, sir.

    [Harry walks towards the exit]

    Very Drunk Redneck: Well, what are you ladies waiting for?

    Harry Hart: [locking the front door] Manners... maketh... man. Do you know what that means? Then let me teach you a lesson.

    [Harry slings a beer mug with his umbrella towards the redneck, but misses and Whiskey catches it. He approaches the redneck and his gang, but butterfly hallucinations surround his vision]

    Harry Hart: Are we going to stand around here all day, or are we going to...

    [another redneck punches him from the left. Harry struggles to fight with the gang until Whiskey lassos him out of the way]

    Whiskey: Well, pick him up. Now that is not what I call a Kentucky welcome. Manners... maketh... man. Let me translate that for you.

    [Whiskey begins to rough up the rednecks with his lasso]

    Harry Hart: What's wrong with me, Merlin? I thought you fixed me.

    Merlin: Well, we rebuilt your neural pathways, but it'll take time to get your coordination back.

    [Whiskey attacks the rednecks with his bull whip]

    Harry Hart: And the phantom butterflies?

    Merlin: You will experience episodes, lapses of clarity. You'll be back to normal soon.

    [Whiskey throws the last redneck out the window]

    Whiskey: Whoo. I feel like a tornado in a trailer park.

  • Eggsy: We've got brains, skills, skipping rope?

    Whiskey: It's a lasso.

    Eggsy: Whatever.