loyal traitor

Irving 2022-04-21 09:01:19

I don't think this movie is bad, on the contrary, I think it's very interesting, but some people say they can't understand it, go to tmd. This is not an action movie, and you don't need to rely on how good acting skills are, you need to rely on yourself to experience this kind of role. Donny and Lively met for the first time. Lively was entangled with Donny because of a fool he said. Rather, they both hoped to get to know each other in this way, just like good friends who don't know each other. While scolding each other for their duties, but at the same time getting closer, Lively pretended to be in front of Duny, saying that who didn't know him, but it formed a strong contrast with his tight life, like a kind of irony, but this irony But it seems to be a good medicine, and it is better to promote the two of them to meet for the first time. Donny called his wife to hear Ta's breathing, what a painful miss, as an undercover agent, he couldn't take care of his home. Donny helped Lively get the fake money back, Lively felt very proud, and started to show off how many people he had killed, Lively was like a child again, afraid of leaking things, so he quickly checked the car for anything. No monitors installed, and a screwdriver dropped into the radio, naughty and rascal like a child. Then the two of them started chatting, Lively said Donny and his girlfriend were so far apart that they could play whatever they wanted, Donny said Lively was right, and then the fun came, Lively said He's always right, the mafia are always right, even if they're wrong, that's what makes the ending, Lively believes Donny isn't an agent, and even if he's wrong, he still makes him feel like he is Yes, this kind of stubbornness is most vividly reflected in Lively. Even when Lively died in the end, Lively still rushed for Donnie to be relieved, because he was right in guessing wrong, and they both said goodbye in the end. , Lively said he didn't understand how Duny knew that the ring was a fake, in fact Lively didn't know a lot, he didn't even know that the agent standing in front of him was an agent. Lively started Radoni to join in, borrowing some money and realizing it was so natural (sometimes really wanted to laugh), but when they waited to see the boss, Lively's eyes were so eager, but But no one paid him any attention, which made him look pitiful. Liveliudoni spent Christmas and started to show off his specialty dishes again, but he caught fire, and he let his wife kill it. Hey, he failed by forcibly pretending to force him (laughs). After the meal, Lively began to complain that everything went wrong with him, what cancer, what kind of bet he lost. Lively actually said that he learned about the cancer after reading a book. Foley really messed up, but Lively vouched for Donny, and Lively started protecting Donny like a father protecting his own child, even though in When I left, I got Donny's money back (haha). Donny rushed home for Christmas, and quarreled with his wife because of his misunderstanding at work, but he still came with passion. Donny took Lively to see the little boss, Lively was worried about being called over and killed, complaining to Donny in the car about how many good things he did but it was stupid, like going to die generously , it turned out that Sonny Black gave him a lion all the time, scared Lively to piss, and thankfully didn't want to kill him. The thing about hitting the Japanese in the restaurant, Duny started to feel different from himself, and his heart became complicated, and even later got angry with his own people because of the need for a boat for the mission, which made Duny even more anxious. Duny and his colleagues listened to the recording together. They discussed what it means to go to tmd. During their discussion, Duny seemed a little relaxed. Duny really wanted to go to tmd and quit and go back to bed, but he was also a little helpless. Lively asked Donny to get a boat to receive a big man, but let Sonny Black show off, and even wanted Donny to hang out with Sonny Black, which made Lively very disappointed and sad. Lively's son was hospitalized (probably hilarious), Donny received a call to visit the hospital, Lively let Donny go, and blamed Donny for not listening to his persuasion and disobedience, it is estimated that Lively was heartbroken , but at Duny's insistence, he stayed. Lively said to Duny that I love you, which made Duny look a little embarrassed and felt a little sorry for Lively, but they seemed to be more like family members . Later, they were caught and went back to kill Sonny Reed. Lively complained of his helplessness. It was not that he suspected Mickey, but that he was asked to kill Mickey, and killed his friend with the same sincerity as his friend. Donny was deeply moved by Lively's hope for Donny, and even wanted to give Lively a sum of money to let him live a good life. Donny almost forgot what he was doing at this time. Donny went back to get the money, he explained to his wife that his job devoured his life, not hating her (hey, disappointed not to come), at this time Donny was still trying his best to protect Lively. And when Lively and Donny went to kill Sonny Reed's son, they still trusted each other because of the ship. It should be said that Lively still didn't want to believe Donny was an agent, and Donny already had an idea. Give Lively a lot of money. In the end, Lively was called by a phone call (probably to be killed by Sunny Black), and before leaving, he secretly left all his valuables, and deliberately opened the small drawer a little, and then put on his sunglasses to go down. hell. After accepting the medal and the $500 bonus, Donny looked bad, as if he had lost his direction, with empty eyes and a lonely expression, but the people who took the photo together were smiling. what is loyalty , what is rape, the relationship between Donny and Lively is like this, how much Donny wants to save Lively, but Donny's duty makes him unable to do it, Lively trusts Donny so much, In their words Donny was a treacherous man. Although Lively is a gang member and represents a traitor, his Dodoni's feelings are so loyal that he doesn't even blame him until his death. There are a lot of details and shots in the movie that make the story feel warm and sad, and even feel a little laughable, but it is the combination of these contradictions that makes these contradictory people.

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Donnie Brasco quotes

  • Lefty: [sees the front page of a newspaper documenting another crime boss was murdered, to Donnie while in his car] I never hear from my boss until he dies, then my whole life gets turned upside down!

  • Donnie Brasco: [to Maggie in their garage] If I come out alive, this guy, Lefty, ends up dead. That's the same thing as me putting the bullet in his head myself.