Downey: "No, I'm not like them (the Mafia), I'm them." - The Mafia on the other side and the FBI

Dasia 2022-04-21 09:01:19

That night, Downey sneaked home and wanted to take out the bag of $300,000 that he had hidden, bought the Ascomba for Lao Zuo, and let it carry Lao Zuo far away. Live the life of your dreams with your loved one. But he found the money was gone, and later learned it was hidden by his wife. The wife didn't understand where the money came from, nor what it meant to Downey and Lao Zuo. It turned out that she also planned to wait for her husband to complete this damn task, and then use the money to spend time with her husband after he retired. normal life. Downey forced his wife to hand over the bag of money, but the wife refused. In a hurry, he even slapped her in the face. How heartbroken and disappointed this slap made his wife. She was desperate at the moment.
"You are more and more like them (the Mafia)!". She took out the bag of money and told Downey to take care of themselves in the future.
Downey: "No, I'm not like them, I am them."
In fact, Downey is also deeply sorry for his impulsive failure, but he can't and has no time to explain to his beloved wife now. In order to express his guilt and his complicated love for his wife, he still turned around and kissed his wife's hair affectionately when he parted.
This is what Downey and Lao Zuo gradually realized after being in contact with the Mafia for a long time. Yes, he is not more and more like them, but he is them all.
The Mafia described in the film is not as ruthless, violent, and cruel as the habitual thinking of the public, and the FBI does not always represent justice, trust and glory.
The mafia are actually like other petty citizens, they have their own small families, small hobbies, small dreams, and their own feelings, burdens and troubles. Also read the newspaper every day, and often debated small topics like Lincoln was better or Cadillac was better.
In fact, everyone is making a living, pursuing their own ideals, and realizing their own values. Even the mafia has its own dignity and principles.
The mafia leader Lao Zuo in the film is actually a man full of warmth. He can't see his cruelty at all. On the contrary, he has compassion for others. He loves his wife, he loves his unsatisfactory son, and he also loves Downey. Everything he did, even if it was to mix with the underworld and kill people, had gone beyond selfishness. It can be said that he is helpless, for the people around him.
As a mafia leader, he doesn't have a mansion, not even a car, and his only wealth is the gadgets he left in that little drawer when he died. A bunch of keys, a crumpled wallet, a jade pendant, a few cards. He has always longed for a boat of his own, but in order to support his family and pay off the debt of his drug-addicted son, he is destined to never be able to afford his beloved boat. What's more, every time Lao Zuo has some money, he will give 50 to Downey when he has 100, hehe.
Because he dedicated himself to the people around him, including Downey. He cultivated Downey with all his heart, and helped him to rise to the top. In the end, even Downey's status surpassed himself, but he was left alone in the corner of the stern, smoking a cigarette and lonely. Squinting to see Downey and the popular bigwigs full of energy, chatting and laughing. He didn't hate, he just felt and laughed at his own bad luck, pitiful and humble. If there is a trace of gratification, it is that he has seen Downey's success. Isn't this what he originally expected in his heart?
So later outside his son's ward, Lao Zuo said to Donnie, "I love you, Donnie". In fact, this warm old man deeply trusts and loves Donnie, just like he loves his unsatisfactory son. Since Downey left his benefactor, his best friend, in order to gain the upper hand, it can even be said to betray himself. In the end, he even knew that the Downey he trusted and treated with sincerity, the Downey who made himself the dumbest mafia ever, the undercover agent. Although he was angry and ashamed, he was still proud of Downey. . Before going to death, he still said: "If there is such a person, I am very happy that it is him."
Compared with such a warm and selfless mafia, how does the FBI's superiors treat their staff who work with their lives? . A $500 prize, a medal, and a ceremony limited to 30 seconds.
At this time, for a soul with a conscience, it is difficult to tell who is righteous and who is evil. For what Downey did to the old left, it was not clear whether it was a loyalty or a traitor.

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Donnie Brasco quotes

  • Lefty: [sees the front page of a newspaper documenting another crime boss was murdered, to Donnie while in his car] I never hear from my boss until he dies, then my whole life gets turned upside down!

  • Donnie Brasco: [to Maggie in their garage] If I come out alive, this guy, Lefty, ends up dead. That's the same thing as me putting the bullet in his head myself.