Donnie Brasco and "The Traitor"

Brook 2022-04-20 09:01:12

There are already a lot of comments on the film, I don't want to repeat it here, just thought of some from the title of the film.
The English name of the film is "Donnie Brasco", which is the name of the character played by Johnny Depp in the film. Gangsters like to call him "Donnie". Named because Donnie is not only a loyal gangster, but also a "traitor", a rat, loyal traitor is his identity, Donnie Brasco is a name, it represents a specific loyal traitor People have to admire the translator's translation of the film's title, which is short, concise, clear and vivid.

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Donnie Brasco quotes

  • Lefty: [sees the front page of a newspaper documenting another crime boss was murdered, to Donnie while in his car] I never hear from my boss until he dies, then my whole life gets turned upside down!

  • Donnie Brasco: [to Maggie in their garage] If I come out alive, this guy, Lefty, ends up dead. That's the same thing as me putting the bullet in his head myself.