After Noah and his three sons stepped out of the ark, a clean, new world lay before them. Since then, people grew and grew until the earth became as full of people as it was before the flood .
People in the world finally moved east into the valley of Mesopotamia and lived on a plain in the land of Shinar. Later on, they began to make a tower so great and high that its top will reach up to the sky.
Everything was moving fast, but God was not pleased with what his people was doing. He knew that men would become more sinful and was afraid that people might forget God entirely and worship the work their own hands had made.
At last, God caused people to speak different languages so that people become restless and could no longer go on with their great building; and so at last they quit trying to finish the tower whose top they had planned should reach the sky.
That is why it was called Babel, because God made a babble of the language of all the world; from that place God scattered men all over the face of the earth.
Clearly, the whole film can be divided into three parts: The couple, The Mexican, The Japanese girl. Just like so many traditional American films, the whole story is simply linked by a ridiculous rifle. Emptiness, sadness, darkness, helplessness, hopelessness fill the entire movie which give me an uncomfortable feeling.
Actually, I am fascinated by the choice of the location and the interesting use of the link thing. However, the film is too artificial and unnatural.
Director found a nice angle, Babel of The Bible, to cut in, but he didn't pay much attention to the inner relationship among the many parts. He tried to express the Babel, so he made the story. In fact what we really need is just something that really can inspire us the truth understanding of the Babel.
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