1 The mother of the Japanese girl shot herself
2 The father of the Japanese girl gave the gun to the Moroccan while traveling
3 The Japanese mute girl and her father The relationship went wrong
4 Moroccans sold the guns
5 The gun buyers gave the guns to their sons
6 Two Moroccan teenagers accidentally hit an American female tourist when they tried guns
7 The police gave the gun buyers and his two sons Acted as a terrorist and killed one of the two teenagers8 The
female tourist and her husband were stranded in the hospital and could not return to the United
States9 The female tourist and her husband entrusted his Mexican nanny to take care of his two children10
The Mexican nanny wanted to go back to Mexico for a wedding, There was no one to take care of the children for him, so he had to take the two children on the road
. 11 On the way back to the United States, the American police were checking the Mexican kidnappers who had kidnapped the American children
13 The nanny and the two children were walking in the desert, and the nanny left the two children to look for water
14 The nanny was caught by the American police while looking for water
15 The nanny and the American police could not find the two children
16 The two children were abandoned in the desert
I dreamed We didn't know each other, and when we woke up, we realized that we were in love with each other. Who said this is, it seems like Tagore.
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