This moment becomes eternity...

Brionna 2022-04-23 07:01:22

As someone who has been watching wrestling for almost 10 years, I have a lot of emotions about this film,

"too fake" and "they are all acting"
are the two most comments I have heard about wrestling.

Yes, wrestling is a show, not real. The match

, however, is
a martial arts film that needs to be as realistic as possible under the condition that there is no substitute, no editing, and no NG.
To achieve this, apart from the players' arena skills and mutual trust
, there is nothing left." "Scarred"

In today's game where PG wrestling is prevalent, there are some tricks that do avoid the opponent's vital parts,
but even so, if I want to summarize wrestling, it is four words "fake more than real"

Many wrestling stars insist on wrestling with various injuries For more than ten years
, many ligament and bone injuries that can ruin sports careers are unknown.
I don’t know how many great wrestlers have been overcome again and again in their lives.
Injury in the ring, it is inevitable that a single misfit may lead to
ligament and bone damage
, even if Accidentally suffered unimaginable pain
In the ten years I've watched wrestling, I can barely remember a single match where a
wrestler asked to stop or leave because he felt "unwell"
My first favorite wrestling star Triple H Broke a rib in the ring,
but still endured the pain to finish the game. After the game, the audience learned that he broke a
rib. It's not professionalism, it's just like the line in the movie
"I can't breathe because of the pain." , but when you hear the cheers of the audience, you know you have to get through it..."

It's not uncommon for performances to abuse drugs to maintain body parts and lead to red lights on family relationships.
Many legendary wrestlers have even dedicated their lives to wrestling Eddie Guerrero is the best example and legends like Hulk Hogan Ric Flair
continue to be active in the ring as a green leaf even when they are old and unable to compete.

Speaking of movies The last male protagonist of Bridge Break has ignored the friendly advice of his friends and opponents (quickly suppressing and ending the game quickly) and has to use his own representative high-altitude finishing skills... He is not for being handsome or professional.. . Because wrestlers aren't really after a win in the ring. All they want is a "great ending" even if this moment becomes eternity...

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The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.