I'm here.

Murray 2022-04-22 07:01:04

────He's "Sledgehammer," and his name is Randy Robinson.
Countless fans were crazy about it, and countless people screamed for it. Countless newspapers featured his pictures, his games. He was a star, shining so brightly that the lights on the stage seemed to shine just for him. Race, race, race, race, just race. Randy was always on stage.

────He’s still Randy, he’s still Sledgehammer.
The body is getting worse and the wallet is a little dry, but people are still crazy, Randy doesn't want to give up, even if his body has been devastated by years of too intense exercise, he still doesn't want to give up. If you have joint pain, just put the bandage on, and if you have a muscle pain, you can just take a painkiller. The "sledgehammer" is still there. This is an early version of what is now American wrestling, more bloody violent, intense hand-to-hand combat, and Randy remembers it deeply, remembering the carnival before he came out, remembering all the lights shining on him when he came out. body.

────He’s Robinson, he’s a former wrestler.
After the main game, he fainted, covered in blood, and fell in the background. He almost collapsed when the doctor looked at him with pity and pity after saying those words. He was the same, found Cassidy and told a lot. They're both old, both father and mother, but Randy still likes Cassidy, but Cassidy doesn't think so, "I can't have a tryst with a customer."

────he was a former superstar, he was Lost soul.
Randy's body wouldn't even allow him to trot for a while in the morning. He paid the rent with the money he had exchanged for his life in order to return to a comfortable house. The tiny house was out of proportion to his huge size, and he looked suddenly much, much older.
He chose a job in a supermarket, repeating it every day, boring and depressing. He changed his name, but no matter how ordinary his life was, he couldn't stop the flame in his heart. He missed that stage, and he missed the screaming people. But after opening the door, there were only busy work and waiting guests, and he finally couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to find the intensity and excitement.

────He was a failed father, and he was a customer who crossed the line.
Physical pain, Randy was used to it. The pain in my heart, no amount of painkillers is useless. His daughter was already a beautiful big girl, but what he saw was the indifference and anger on her face. He struggled to think of a few words to her. When he awkwardly took out the gift, the frost melted, and both of them had smiles on their faces. But the smile was soon replaced by crying and yelling, It's broken..
Cassidy had been listening to him, and he had given her the most important things. But as she said, "Clubs and reality are different." Even if she chats with him, drinks with him, and buys gifts for his daughter, the two of them will never communicate in their lives, "Your world No interest in me." The same is the stage, one is blood and sweat, the other is passion and desire.

────He’s lonely Randy, he’s getting old.
"I'm like a piece of rotting flesh, I'm lonely," Randy said, tears welling up in his eyes. He was really lonely, and even the kids didn't want to play outdated games with him anymore. Without wrestling, he is just an ordinary lonely old man. The daughter is not, the lover is not, the life is not.

────He’s still a “sledgehammer,” he’s old.
Looking at the poster, he couldn't help it. Regardless of Cassidy's stop, he returned without hesitation, back to the stage that was made for him. This is the last game, a main game.
He said, "You are my family, and I love you." He still looked at that corner, and was beaten until he was out of breath. With the last blow, "smashed with a sledgehammer", he did not forget to take a look, but the person was no longer there. Where has she gone? Do you want to stop watching? Or have you already left? "The only thing that hurts me is that you're here." Randy's place is the blazingly lit stage and the almost fanatical screams of fans.

────I am here.
Randy probably smiled thinking about that sentence, thinking about his previous life like shit. I am here, I am here now, standing on this stage, 20 years as always. Once a superstar, a useless person, he has no home, he only has a stage. He is old, his long hair is no longer fluttering, his body is no longer strong, his joints are no longer rigid.

Randy ended up using a "sledgehammer to crush" and heard the cries of the audience, and he continued to suffer. I don’t know if the audience has seen his old and fragile body and health, but he still managed to leap forward. It was an era, a glorious era──────────

【As a WWE fan, I am It was shocking to watch this film. Although the bloody elements of WWE have long since faded away, none of the superstars we have seen has not had surgery, and we still watch them with relish, and they are injured again and again. Injured again. "Wrestling King" is not only a show, but also an aging and desperate life. Whether the audience forced them into this way, we don't know, and we can't judge, because maybe it is also a kind of life for them. ]

[Spoiler, there is a small scene of the villain R-Truth in WWE. 】

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The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.