Literary film in the form of action

Ron 2022-04-19 09:01:24

After reading a lot of short reviews, many people regarded this film as an inspirational film, and many people watched it for wrestling. After watching it, they felt that wrestling was not enough and not enjoyable, but I think this is a real movie. A real literary film, it is not about showing how good wrestling is, nor about how inspirational he is. Like many other literary films, it describes an eternal theme, that is love.
This kind of love, for such a wrestler, is tragic because he has never really been loved, as he said before his last performance, "The wrestling ring is where I belong, only when I am offstage. I will be hurt", everyone is looking for a love, no matter how thick the shell you are wearing, in the thick armor that penetrates, there is still a soul that needs to be nourished by love. As a wrestling king, On the stage, he has infinite beauty. Countless audiences cheered and cheered for him. He is a veritable king. However, offstage, he lives in poverty, is widowed and lonely, has no relatives and no reason. . In the arena, what you suffer is the pain of flesh and blood, but in real life, what you have to endure is the loneliness and loneliness of a person; but do the audience on the field love you? No, they just love this lively and Wonderful, love this kind of performance, you are gone, there are many others, time is reversed, there are endless replacements, and you are just a symbol, not a real person, the comfort on the field is illusory, which God, if you can't do it, you will be replaced immediately.
When I saw this sturdy, strong man shedding tears, I felt a burst of sadness in my heart. The loneliness at this time and the brilliance on the stage formed a strong contrast, no matter how beautiful you are on the stage, when you When your only family member, your daughter, left you when you needed it most, you became so unbearable.
After his daughter's ruthless abandonment, and after being rejected by the woman he liked, he finally returned to the stage where he could find some comfort, throwing himself into the spotlight with helplessness and despair over this real life, where there are many Likes his audience, where he may find warmth not found in the audience.
In fact, such a reality is so ironic. The dazzling lights, the enthusiastic cheers and shouts of the audience, set off the loneliness under the solid exterior, and the carnival is the loneliness of a group of people. When the halo is faded and they return to the stage, such loneliness, Maybe only he knows.
In real life, is this not the case? There are many great sages, but their hearts are deeply helpless. People are rushing for life and struggling in reality. Some people seem to have infinite beauty and put their career What he does is extremely dazzling. In front of people, he is a model for everyone's efforts, and the object of imitation is a height that many people can't reach. However, after that appearance, is there the same loneliness and helplessness as the wrestling king in the film. ?
What I can be sure of is that if his daughter hadn't left him, if the heroine accepted him, he would definitely not return to that illusory world, he just felt desperate for this world, even if he knew that going to wrestling would be life-threatening , But the loneliness and cold offstage are more painful than the physical trauma on the stage!
This is Darren's third movie I've seen. I've seen his Black Swan and Requiem for a Dream before. All I can say is, Darren, he's a genius, I love these so much, I I really enjoyed his movie. I thought it was just a pure wrestling visual movie, but I didn’t expect it to give me such a shock. This is also the first movie review I wrote. I hope to see more works like this in the future. My urge to write this gibberish, I need that urge!

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The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.