doomed ending

Desmond 2022-04-19 09:01:24

From the beginning

everyone would have known that


was destined to be a tragedy

. I'm afraid everyone can imagine where the famous wrestler will be in twenty years.

Living beyond their means, living a monotonous life, dying of loneliness, separated from wives and children, and possibly dying in the wrestling ring.

Although the plot of the film is a bit old-fashioned, the details are unforgettable.

I have always loved the sport of wrestling, and I will continue to watch the weekly TV broadcasts, and I often collect some classic events.

Every time I watch a WWE Madison Square Garden match, I always wonder why wrestling has far more spectators than the NBA?

Because of its fortitude? Because of its power? Because of its transformation? Because it's entertaining? Because of its excitement?

Seeing that Randy has been getting injections, taking hormone drugs for the competition , getting a bronzer

, dyeing his hair, and shaving his hair before the game

, I don't know why, but two names flashed in my mind - Randy Orton and Triple H.

When I think of Randy Orton, firstly because it has the same name as the protagonist, and his bronzed skin is really dazzling.

More importantly, Randy Orton is the most popular among the new generation of wrestlers.

Randy's strong body is also maintained by hormones?

Twenty years later, when his youth is gone, will he also live such a down and out life?

With such a tough typhoon now, he must have a lot of injuries and illnesses. Such an overdraft of his life, how old can he live?

Speaking of Triple H, because he is very similar to Randy, the whole is Randy Orton a decade or two later.

If Triple H is the best figure among wrestlers in this age group, no one should object?

In addition to diligent exercise, I think injections and medicines are also necessary.

There is no reason why a middle-aged man with deep forehead lines on his forehead can keep his body in shape just by working out?

Sometimes when I watch a game, when Triple H bends his knees, his thighs are obviously deeply wrinkled. Does this also imply this? The

question is, is it worth it? Everyone knows how big the side effects of doing this are.

Is it really hard to get on the wrestling ring and hear the cheers of the audience?

The entertainment industry turned out to be the most heartbreaking industry in the end.

Whenever Ric Flair with gray hair and sluggish steps takes the stage, I start to hesitate, should I watch it?

In a game with such an old man, if you win, you won't win by force; if you lose, you will lose face. What's the point of the game?

I don't understand why JBL and the like arrange this kind of game. Squeeze out the last remaining value of the old man?

The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave. It is the front wave, and it is destined to be on the beach. Why struggle so hard?

Fortunately, Ric finally retired last year. Finally, there is no preconceived pressure to watch the game.

Don't think that wrestling is just an idol drama for pure entertainment.

If that's the case, how could Rodman's time in the wrestling ring be so short?

I have seen several games of Rodman, and he is very flexible, very good at dodging, and very good at betraying his companions cunningly.

If this is a business battle, OK, no problem, you win;

but brother, this is wrestling, the

audience buys tickets to watch, not your agility, but fierce fighting~~

You are still playing Your personality in the NBA, not even a little sacrifice and cooperation, is not qualified to be a wrestler at all.

In fact, in the final analysis, I am not a qualified wrestling enthusiast.

Although I love most of the matches, I also hope that the more intense the two sides fight, the more fancy the better.

But when I saw the scene of bloodshed, I panicked. It wasn't that I was afraid of blood, but I couldn't accept this red scene in my heart.

When Randy and the bald pervert played the game that changed his life, I basically used fast forward because it was so bloody.

The two have countless holes and scratches all over their bodies; the tools for attacking each other have risen from the common folding iron chairs, wooden sticks, ladders, and broadcast monitors in WWE to staples, barbed wire, nail boards, glass, and prosthetics.

Watching Jeff Hardy backflip unprotected from a height of 10 to 20 meters and eventually hurt his cervical spine, I thought this was the limit.

It turned out that I was wrong, wrestling folk events can still be played so fiercely and so excessively. In the film, Randy

and a group of ex-wrestlers are in the gym with the monkeys in the tourist attractions, taking photos, signing autographs, and selling souvenirs.

Sound companion.

In my heart, a kind of loss rises spontaneously.

But this is the entertainment industry.

Come out to mix, always have to pay back.

The splendor of fireworks will eventually fade away one day.

He was lucky, at least he was brilliant, what about

those companions who sacrificed without even seeing the golden belt? Wouldn't it be more wrong for S?

Alas, what kind of life philosophy does wrestling advocate? Puzzled. . .

Confusion returns to confusion, I still have the spirit of entertainment.

When watching the game, it won't trigger such "deep" thinking.

After all, the scene and atmosphere are the means of WWE entertainment

. The film, how come I didn't even get an Oscar, it's really black~~

09-03-02 09:47

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Extended Reading

The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.