A man without strength and a woman without beauty

Concepcion 2022-04-19 09:01:24

A man without strength and a woman without beauty

oh shit, I cried when Sweet Child O'Mine sounded, that was my youth too

. The truth is the same. Men conquer the world because of strength, women conquer the world because of beauty. Therefore, men have no strength, women have no beauty, and the only thing left is begging not to be left behind, because there are always countless successors. It is always exciting to say that the old age of a hero is because the hero has once been brilliant, and that no one is twilight because no one has ever conquered the country. People praise blooming, but who has paid attention to failure? When Randy was in the crowd watching the two strong men on the stage swinging around like he was back then, would it be like he was lying on the bed and looking at his poster on the wall?

2 The world is so cruel. When bad boys become uncles, and beautiful women become aunts, the world is no longer theirs. For them, life could only be in the 1980s, with nine and a half weeks of arrogance and unrestrainedness, and unruly eyes. Now, with tears streaming down an old face, he bowed his head and wagged his tail begging for pity. Admit it, you are no longer who you were, and the world is no longer yours.

3 Wrestling is just a game, don't take it seriously, otherwise the bleak night scene is just around the corner. Just like Nintendo, no matter how fun it is, it will eventually be killed by Call of Duty. Who cares about the big yellow-haired man named Randy in that game, but it's just one game.

4 This is still an American film after all. Even if the protagonist is paralyzed and only able to move his eyes, he can still defeat the aliens and save the earth. Therefore, after more than an hour of bleak and sluggishness, Randy, who was often stabbed in the chest, was still able to make brilliant achievements and give his all. Therefore, Americans are still romantic and optimistic. The most fucking impossible things are possible in Hollywood movies, and the most fucking unbearable life can be successful in the end. No matter how old you are, you will be able to ignore everything in the end. How beautiful, but is it really like this?

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The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.