carnival cult

Sven 2022-04-19 09:01:19

"Killing the Dawn" should actually be two films. The first half is an American road movie with Quentin nabbing lines, and the second half is Rodriguez's Mexican zombie movie. Quentin likes to find a handsome guy to play with, and Rodriguez likes to find a flirtatious beauty to follow. Quentin likes to have a very positive person talking about religion, and Rodriguez likes to kill people. In short, in the days when the young Quentin was still playing with his foot fetishes, Rodriguez dressed up elegant vampires as zombies, and they pulled George Clooney, Harvey Keitel, Salma Hayek partying together. For a B-level film, a large section of religious philosophy like a cross talk is definitely not more aggressive than the cult in the second half of the carnival.
Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food. Between pushing the cup and changing the cup, the god of wine revels; when the spirit is full of excitement, the group of demons dances wildly; the gap between the wanton flow, kills the Quartet; until the dawn of the morning, few people wake up.
If I say that there is a bar and inn on a desert that is not in front of the village or in the back, what will you think of? What would you think of if I said that there are a bunch of rough people with meat and wine hanging around here? What would you think of if I said the name of this pub and inn is "Titty Twisted"? Dragon Inn? Sun Erniang on Cross Slope? Human meat pork buns? correct. Everyone packed up all these things and moved to Mexico together. The ugly and poor turtle was hawking, the showgirls were all covered with two pieces of cloth hanging around their waists, and the ugly and wretched men of all colors and martial arts filled this rambunctious tavern. This will definitely not be the gentle hometown of the truck driver, and the pain in the abyss is not only from the original sin of desire, but from the blood of madness and terror.
The flirtatious Salma Hayek stood in front of the ruffian Kun, and the spirits flowed down his legs, flowing through the golden lotus, and passing through his throat, making the ruffian suck his toes. This matter has nothing to do with the style, because a glass of red wine tango, and the boldness of a jar of aged wine are not enough to erotically make the ruffian Kun swear by this femme fatale. After all, in such a place, the unbridled expression of desire is more reasonable. In the stories of vampires, all those who are in love are sucked blood and become demons;
In the end, Seth was gone, he didn't take the little girl. Although they had survived back-to-back from despair, and even though they had both lost their close relatives, there was no emotion here, he was leaving, and he never looked back. The place is clean and neat, there is no Zhou Huai'an-style sympathy for heaven and man, and there is no infatuation with gold and jade, only the tombs of the Mayan ruins in the vast sandy soil after the carnival.
People love cult movies because they are crazy. "They live because of madness, they speak out because of madness, and only madness can save themselves, these people never do boring things, they just keep, burning! Burning! Burning!"

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From Dusk Till Dawn quotes

  • Seth: I don't give a damn about living or dying anymore; all I care about is taking as many as those demons back to hell as I can.

    Jacob: Amen.

  • Seth: [puts a gun to Sex-Machine's head] You touch my brother with that stake, biker, and vampires won't have to suck your blood. They'll be able to lick it up off the floor.