Penetration in chaos

Santino 2022-04-22 07:01:03

Perhaps for Americans, Western history is like the Chinese Cultural Revolution as a baptism of humanity. Many were baptized, but few were preserved. The whole movie was very depressing, and I guessed that there would be a turning point. How many times I wanted the frontal characters to die quickly, until I finally hoped to kill the boss with a single shot. However, in the end, the shot is not important, but a whistle and the following of the horse lead to all redemption. The West, the Cultural Revolution, an era can be very big, but it can only be very small in history. The moment of a hero can go down in history forever, and the life of a mortal can only be the number of casualties. Thousands of years, thousands of generations, there are not many bones of the predecessors, and there will always be people buried. But human nature will always survive through the darkest.

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3:10 to Yuma quotes

  • Dan Evans: What did Doc Potter give his life for, William? McElroy...

    Ben Wade: Little red ants on a hill.

    Butterfield: I'll pay you the 200, Dan. Right now. And you can walk away.

    Dan Evans: You know, this whole ride... it's been egging on me. That's what the government gave me for my leg - 198 dollars 36 cents and the funny thing is that... when you think about it, which I have been lately, is they weren't paying me to walk away, they were paying me so they could walk away.

    Ben Wade: Don't muddy the past in the present, Dan.

    Dan Evans: No... Wade, I'm seeing the world the way it is.

  • Charlie Prince: For a one-leg rancher... he's one tough son of a bitch.

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