Growing old? Wrong, don't underestimate anyone.

Donavon 2022-04-19 09:01:25

I'm looking forward to seeing such a group of old actors and actresses. These people put it into the film, and it doesn't matter what the subject matter is. I feel that the characters they create are so distinctive and unforgettable. What's more, this film is still a special agent and dark humor, which is really my favorite type at present.

With these characters, the story setting becomes simple. A group of old agents were hunted down by the authorities and finally rehabilitated by their own strength. The director and screenwriter seemed to know the very simple story line. The audience didn’t care much about the complexity of the plot. Killing a cow with a bull's knife makes it uncomfortable to chop, and the audience is not happy to watch it. Killing a chicken with a bull's knife looks even more pleasurable. After all, it is an entertainment film.

In fact, this kind of film should be made in China. My previous award-winning script also described a similar situation, but the story was set to be an old actor instead of an old agent. In fact, according to the current trend, it should be set to be an old actor. Martial arts, the taste of this film also has some old martial arts flavors, but the most fundamental thing is not to despise anyone, such as old and young women and children.

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RED quotes

  • Joe Matheson: We're gettin' the band back together.

  • [Frank calls Cooper on the phone; Cooper is told to stall him while the call is traced]

    Frank Moses: Here's the thing, Cooper. With age... comes a certain perspective. I'd be a liar if I said there wasn't a time when I was exactly like you. Blind ambition. Misplaced trust.

    William Cooper: Why are you telling me this?

    Frank Moses: It may help me to decide what to do next.

    Interrogation Surveillance Tech: [technician tracing the call whispering to Cooper] Just keep it going.

    William Cooper: Why? What are you thinking about?

    Frank Moses: Our business is a very hard one. But it was never the, uh... the killing or the stress, the bad pay that bothered me.

    William Cooper: Well, what was it, Frank?

    Frank Moses: It's how anything that you love... can be taken away from you. It taught me never to care. Never to invest. Then I met this woman. Sarah. And now you have her. Now I can't think of anything more horrible than to know that your enemies can hurt someone you love. The feeling is almost indescribable.

    [the trace completes, and the technician hands Cooper a printout]

    Frank Moses: You still there, Cooper?

    William Cooper: [horrified] You're at my house

    [Frank looks out the window into the yard where Cooper's wife and two children, unaware, are playing]

    Frank Moses: Almost indescribable, isn't it?

    William Cooper: [whispering] Please... Please don't hurt my family.

    Frank Moses: If anything happens to Sarah, I will rip everything you love out of your life. And then I'll kill you.