didn't feel so good

Marianna 2022-04-20 09:01:16

2015, biographical historical film "Bridge of Spies"

Although the film is said to be based on the real experience of American lawyer James Donovan, it is a biography after all, and some things are still beautified, especially the American tone is really true. . It's a bit obvious that the lawyer's humanitarianism must be commendable, and he always takes other people's positions into consideration, which is very moving to me.

PS: The shot of the sky in the middle of the film is particularly beautiful. . big love~

The film looks very real. You need to face all kinds of pressures for a person. That feeling, but he can stand upright, is really amazing. But the shortcomings of the film are also more obvious, that is, the story is too flat, there is not much tension, it is a flat narrative, and under the coverage of the American tone, many are not so real, such as the treatment of prisoners, the United States treats spies in the film. He was very polite and did not torture him. He also gave medals and various awards to his own people who were exchanged back. He continued to work for the country in the future, while the Soviet Union abused prisoners and did not admit to their own people at all, I think. . . After all, it is a biography, and after all, it is an American patriotic education, and many things are still not so real, which makes me feel that the value of this film has been reduced. .

--------------I am the dividing line of America----------------------------

Recommendation index: ★★★☆ (7/10 points), although the story is flat, it can shock the heart. Although it is not so real, it will also make you think about some things and a piece of history you don't know. You can learn about human nature. Humanism is great love.

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Extended Reading

Bridge of Spies quotes

  • James Donovan: We need to get off this merry-go-round sir. The next mistake our countries make could be the last one. We need to have the conversation our governments can't.

  • Wolfgang Vogel: You treat us as stooges for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

    James Donovan: Can we just call them the Russians and save time?