the wire

Sonia 2022-10-13 19:51:09

The ending is a bit unexpected, maybe this is the reality? Two thugs who want to start over, one is shot, and the other chooses a life in prison due to family pressure. Some police officers will stuff the stolen money into their pockets when handling cases, and some police officers will be promoted by making reports. The murderer of several lives took all the charges on himself and got a life sentence. The villain continues to run his own drug den, and the decent is sent to the department he does not like

in addition. . . I'm basically used to watching American dramas with only English subtitles. When I was about to gradually get rid of the subtitles, this drama gave me a heavy blow! Black people usually talk like rap. . . After watching a season, it can be said that I have a deeper understanding of certain words. . .

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The Wire quotes

  • Det. William Moreland: Boy, them Greeks and those twisted-ass names.

    Det. James 'Jimmy' McNulty: Man, lay off the Greeks. They invented civilization.

    Det. William Moreland: Yeah? Ass-fucking, too.

  • Brother Mouzone: I see you favor a .45.

    Omar: At night I do. And I keeps one in the chamber in case you ponderin'.