The hunter ends up being someone else's prey

Amara 2022-11-01 22:38:52

The beginning of the movie is still very warm. The hero Lucas, who used to be a middle school teacher, returned to the town to work in a kindergarten. All peace was broken by the little girl Clara's lie, did the little girl really do something wrong?

The motive of the principal is very simple, just to protect the little girl, but the assumption of the principal at the beginning is not rigorous, he believes that children will not lie. And scientific research shows that children have the awareness of lying around the age of 3.

When the principal called Clara to the office for the second time, Clara couldn't even remember what she said last time, but the principal had already determined the truth of the matter. It can be said that Clara vaguely said something that adults wanted to hear, not Clara's true thoughts.

In order to hear what they want to hear and satisfy their inner sense of accomplishment, the so-called sense of justice, adults can do whatever they can, and even say such obscene words to a little girl of three or four years old, I think at this moment they have deviate from their original intentions . They are selfish, and while they may not do it on purpose, deep down in their hearts, there is a human nature. Maybe they feel that the town is too peaceful and harmonious, and they need to do something "just" to satisfy their empty hearts. They didn't even try to think about the possibility of the little girl lying, sticking to a wrong path, going to the end, until Lucas was destroyed and everyone in the town knew about it.

Destroying a person is indeed very simple, a few rumors and a few so-called righteous people.

The film has another translation, the brand of lies. Although in the end, under Lucas's own fight, the people of the town "forgave" him. The townspeople can pretend that nothing happened, but can Lucas? He can't, he can't forget, what the town residents did, left a mark on his heart. At his son's coming-of-age ceremony, he tried hard to make himself laugh, but his eyes were red because of the "scar".

The last scene is really worth thinking about, who is the one who fired the gun? I think it was Clara's brother, he was the trigger for everything, and it was Clara who saw him and his friends watching an adult film, which indirectly triggered the following series of things.

There is a scene in the film where Clara and her brother are playing. There are several close-ups, and you can clearly feel the discomfort of your brother.

Maybe his brother was the bad guy, the prey that should have been hunted down.

And at the end, somewhat ironically, the prey took the gun and became the hunter. The hunter, on the contrary, became the prey of others. And society is inherently dangerous, full of rumors and violence, and each of us is both a hunter and a prey.

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The Hunt quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Lucas: What are you saying? Have you got something to tell me?

    Agnes: Stop it, Lucas.

    Lucas: You want to tell me something?

    Theo: Relax, Lucas.

    Lucas: The whole town is listening. Tell me! What do you want to say?

    Agnes: Stop it, you fucking psychopath!

    Lucas: I want a word with Theo. Look into my eyes. Look me in the eyes. What do you see? Do you see anything? Nothing. There's nothing. There's nothing. You leave me alone now. You leave me alone now, Theo. Then I'll go. Thank you.

  • Marcus: Bunch of bastards! Bunch of fucking bastards!