Kindness and love, unique epitaphs of human beings

Erika 2022-04-20 09:01:14

The apocalypse destroyed people's material foundations, and the spirits of the surviving survivors also regressed to a wild state.

In such a world, people have abandoned the beauty accumulated in the long civilizations of the past, and become a beast that shatters nature like the cat at the beginning of the movie. All activities are only for survival. At the beginning, the director tells a small satire: human corpses are preyed on by cats, humans hunt cats, and mice eat cat meat. Man prides himself on being above nature, as arrogant as a cat treats a mouse. The irony is that when the end comes, the cat of human beings is turned into food by the mouse of nature, and becomes a sad jar of cat oil that no one needs. This is a hint of the collapse of human civilization.

Eli, a man of faith, is willing to give cat meat to mice, let go of the woman who deceived him, and is willing to save the heroine who almost lost her virginity.

But he was by no means a hypocrite, nor a noble one. Facing thugs raping innocent people, facing the robbery of robbers, and Carnegie's pressing step by step, he used the most brutal violence as a doomsday survivor to smash them and turn them into dust.

Avery is a complex person. The environment forces him to put his life ahead of his beliefs. The constant repetition of "walking on the road, no matter what you do" is a form of self-comfort. Eli's conscience, his beliefs, are being tortured. He is torturing him, questioning him.

In the cruel environment, Avery, who fell from the golden age to the end of the world for 30 winters, has long been riddled with holes in his heart. Negative emotions, and the animal nature that is ready to move is biting Allison as a "human" existence all the time. But faith gave him solace and salvation. Let him know that he can use his actions to save something, whether it is his heart or the confused people.

Rather than calling it an action movie or a religious movie, I prefer to call it a hot-blooded movie that showcases the glorious spirit of humanity. Born as a human being, whether an atheist or a theist, our civilization, our culture has long been integrated into the blood, and it has become the proof that human beings have existed in this vast galaxy. If the doomsday comes, on the last tombstone of human beings, this spirit of pursuing kindness and love is the best epitaph.

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Extended Reading

The Book of Eli quotes

  • Eli: Did you get blinded by the war or the sun after?

    Claudia: I was like this since birth, I was lucky, I was already used to living like this

    Eli: I like the perfume

    Claudia: Its just shampoo but thank you

  • Carnegie: Is he staying?

    Solara: We didn't do much talking.

    Claudia: Solara honey, eat something.

    Solara: Mom, give me your hand. Close your eyes. Mom, trust me... Dear Lord.

    [Carnegie freezes where he is sitting, listening intently]

    Solara: We thank you for our food. Thank you for my mother. Thank you for the roof over our heads and our new friends. And, uh... Well, I guess that's all for now.

    Carnegie: Amen. That's the word you're looking for, Amen. That's how you stop. You said you didn't talk much. But did he do any reading?... I asked you a question.

    Claudia: Bill, don't.

    Carnegie: You, shut your mouth.

    [Solara still says nothing. Carnegie grabs Claudia by her hair, pulling her head back until she screams in pain]

    Carnegie: You're hurting your mother, Solara. He said he read every day. Did he?

    Solara: Stop it!

    Carnegie: [yanking Claudia off her chair and forcing her to her knees, still pulling her hair] Your mother would like you to tell me.

    Solara: [getting very scared] I don't know! I don't know... Yes, okay! Yes, yes, he was reading.

    Carnegie: What kind of book was he reading?

    Solara: I don't know. I don't know! An old leather one.

    Carnegie: And?

    Solara: I don't know, it had some kind of thing on the front of it.

    Carnegie: Show me.

    Solara: I need you to let her go.

    Carnegie: [shouting] Show me!

    [Solara fearfully puts her fingers together into a cross]