Daydreaming is worse than just walking away

Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:03

The most popular resignation declaration in 2015 is: "The world is so big, I want to go and see it." And "Daydreamer" tells us that instead of daydreaming, lusting after the goddess, beating the boss... it's better to come and say go and leave The journey is just like the true meaning of "LIFE" magazine in the film: to know the world and overcome difficulties. Insight into all, close to life. Find true love and feel each other. This is the meaning of life. ([Version 2] Seeing the world, facing danger, crossing barriers, getting close to each other, and feeling life. This is the purpose of life.) Going back to the movie, the most eye-catching thing is the master-level compositional beauty and textbook style. Photography example, [High Energy Warning Ahead]! ! ! Greenland's high altitude view

The holy and beautiful Himalayas Running under the sunset is my lost youth To be honest, if you don’t like watching Uncle Ben direct and act in a drama, then treat this movie as a National Geographic Watch the documentary, learn its composition and framing angles, and appreciate the natural scenery. It is also a kind of practice, but this practice is undoubtedly my invitation to eat shark fins. You insist that it is not as good as a fan. . . Next, let's talk about the insights from the movie. There are many classic quotes in this movie, such as the motto of "LIFE" printed on the wallet: know the world and overcome difficulties. Insight into all, close to life. Find true love and feel each other. This is the meaning of life. ([Version 2] Seeing the world, facing danger, crossing barriers, getting close to each other, and feeling life. This is the purpose of life.) Uncle Ben should also take this as a clue to the movie, connecting the whole movie , so we see how the male protagonist has changed from a severe masturbation patient who is often in a daze to a dreamer and a dreamer. To be honest, I am also a person with moderate masturbation. When I was a child, I watched "Spider-Man" , if you show me there are spiders on the ground, I'll think maybe I'll be bitten by a spider while I sleep, and then wake up the next day with a genetic mutation to fight crime and save the earth, like watching "Doraemon" before , I have always fantasized about having a Doraemon, which prop I like the most is called memory bread, and after I eat it, I will test 100 points, and my mother will never talk about the child next door. If you are still young, we call this imagination, and if you are still thinking about this in your twenties, thirties, and forties, we call it obscenity, because the first twenty years are for you, and the next days are for you It's obvious that the hero has been dreaming for more than 30 years, and finally woke up, jumped up from the bed, and completed the shocking counterattack. I like the shot below the most, with a backpack on my back, a skateboard on my back, my back facing the sun, and my heart is far away. Isn’t this the attitude of chasing dreams? ! In addition, let's talk about our life mentor: Uncle Pan. Although in Hollywood, our Uncle Pan has a mixed reputation, but in this movie, he is definitely a spiritual mentor. Because of him, our male protagonist has followed his footsteps and walked step by step, crossing the mountains and the mountains. The sea, and thus know the power of action. Love what he said in the movie: beautiful things don't ask for attention. I read a saying recently, what should I do if a woman is shy when she chases a man? Respondent: When you see a bag you like, do you take the initiative to buy it, or wait for the bag to come to your door automatically? It may not be an appropriate analogy, but beautiful things do need us to be discovered, rather than waiting for them to come to you. As an entry-level photographer, I especially think that beautiful scenery requires a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty. Garbage dumps, but the master's shooting of garbage dumps has become an environmental theme. The use of light, angle, etc. determines the difference between you. At the end of the movie, "LIFE" magazine used the No. 25 negative that was originally kept in the male lead's wallet. This is a working photo of the male lead, and every frame of the 16-year working day. It's all the same, but as the male protagonist said, in 16 years, I have never cut a wrong negative. I think whoever is serious and persistent in his own field will be a master. When a student, When we study hard, when we fall in love, we treat our other half with sincerity, when we become parents, we take up the responsibility of the family... We play different roles at different stages of life, the only constant is the heart to play that role well, Because of his work, the male protagonist who has always liked to be obsessed woke up and traveled to the ends of the earth for a negative. When he walked up to the boss with that negative, I was amazed at the counter-kill.

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty quotes

  • [reciting Life Magazine's Motto]

    Walter Mitty: To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.

  • Cheryl: I wanted to tell you, that song "Major Tom" and that beard guy... he doesn't know what he's talking about. That song is about courage and going into the unknown. It's a cool song.