God said: I sent Carl to execute the judgement of human nature, and see the sunshine out of the dark clouds

Kody 2021-12-10 08:01:32

Carl is simple, simple to speak, simple to do, and simple to think. .
Carl is a master of mechanical repair, using the simplest logic to judge mechanical problems.

Carl fulfilled the teachings of the Bible, simply being kind and friendly to others.
The Bible teaches people to be morally good, and Karl uses the simplest way to distinguish between the good and the bad in human nature.

The little boy was real and cheerful, and gave books to him as a friend.
The boy's mother is kind and sincere, and her humor warms her heart.
The grocery store owner is tolerant and kind. He said on behalf of God: Good people, even if you are with a man, God is forgiving and can tolerate you.

God gave him simplicity, not stupidity.
God said: The ugliness of mankind cannot be solved by mankind. You can solve it, and I will protect you.
Carl took the switchblade and pushed aside the dark clouds and introduced the Holy Light. . .


Good Carl!

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Sling Blade quotes

  • Doyle: Now get the fuck out now before I get too mad to turn back!

    Terence: What about our instruments?

    Doyle: Come here, you little prick. Come here, you little fucking prick!

    [Wheels him right into the door]

    Doyle: Get out! All y'all, get the fuck out! Come on, you motherfuckers!

    [Nobody moves]

    Doyle: Get the fuck out! Randy, you tuning son of a bitch, go fucking practice, Randy!

    [Noody moves]

    Doyle: Come on, Morris, you fucking genius, get the fuck up and get the fuck out of here, Goddammit!

  • Karl: Just 'cause I ain't gonna be around no more, maybe, don't mean that I don't care for you.

    Frank: I care 'bout you too, but you'll be around. Don't say that.

    Karl: Doesn't matter where I was to be. We'll always be friends. You and me made friends right off the bat. Don't nobody ever change that. I kindly want to put my arm around you, then I'm gonna get up out of here and leave.

    [Puts his arm around Frank]

    Karl: I love you, boy.

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