who am i? (drama review, The Boys)

Darion 2022-12-21 08:20:25

American drama "Black Robe Picket"

Genre: Science Fiction

Main cast: Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Antony Starr

Story Overview: The "Superhero" Yang Feng Yin Violation

Release time: Released on July 26, 2019, a total of 8 episodes (end of the first season)

List of awards and nominations:

Superhero themed works. The author's first reaction is to think of the American comic giants DC and Marvel , and the second reaction flashes back to the Japanese animation "A Certain Scientific Railgun" . I don't know, what flavor is this in? Need to taste carefully.

Entering the drama review, I think about what to say, there is no logic or order, I hope and forgive me.

Let’s talk about the heroes first, 6 “non-mainstream” heroes (Motherlander, Queen, Locomotive, Transparent Man, Deep Sea, Black) + 1 “amateur” hero (Starlight, still in the probationary period)

Among these 7 people,

The person with the highest appearance rate is the protagonist from the motherland

The one with the lowest appearance rate is the transparent person. This guy especially likes to hide in the toilet and meditate naked. He was abused into a shit at the beginning.

There are four people involved in emotional scenes---the motherland, the queen, the locomotive, and the star

The people with the richest emotions (emotions, sorrows and sorrows) are the people of the motherland

The most boring attribute is the deep sea, and the opening is blowjob

The least mature and purest is the rookie star

The one with the lowest sense of existence is black, and the whole process is silent

Looking at the "Civilian Picket Team", there are only two key characters - the former CIA agent Butcher, the ordinary person Hughie who entered the game inexplicably, and the others are gangsters... Compared with the "League of Legends", this lineup is really weak. Therefore, the actions taken are all "stealing chickens and dogs", and the so-called "justice" is also "inappropriate name, disobedient words", at best "using evil to defeat evil".

Finally, let's look at the "marketing team", that is, the "hero camp" (packaging team, behind-the-scenes driving force) Water Company. The essence of this company is to rely on "capitalism", the drive is to sell "heroism", and the goal is to achieve "domination" . All in all, a downright "capitalist" economic entity that combines "hypocrisy", "counterfeiting" and "hypocrisy".

After reading the characters, read the story again, roughly divided: one clue for the hero, one clue for the commoners; carefully divided: one clue for the motherland, and one clue for the Butcher.

In short, rough points and subdivisions are all combined into one. Heroes and pickets fight, whether it is an open or secret fight, and finally it is 1-on-1, that is, homelander VS Butcher, which is the most classic of the show. One of the selling points of "false" heroes against "hypocritical" civilians, who wins and who loses? Unknown. Which is right and which is wrong? Can't tell.

As for the other characters, there are not many plot lines, and they basically serve the main line and side-by-side to set off the theme of the story. It is of little value to take it out independently.

Analyze key plot points.

Episode 1

a, Hughie's (hero fan) girlfriend was hit by a "hero" locomotive

b, Annie (stars) was shortlisted for the "hero" team, and became a "starlight" by unspoken rules


Two ordinary people, at different times, in different places, and in different ways, have clearly recognized the essence of "heroes".

Episode 2

a, the transparent man was blown away

b, Senators are counted


Don't blindly underestimate the opponent's wrist because of the mistake of overestimating your own ability.

Episode 3

a, The picket team detected the existence of "Compound No. 5" (abbreviation: doping)

b, League of Legends found that transparent people were killed


Know yourself and the enemy, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Episode 4

a. A mysterious woman appears (is it an enemy or a friend? Is it a clue? Is it a deep pit?)

b. The mistakes of the motherland led to the crash (the truth of the matter was deeply buried)


The truth is so close and so far away from people, people think they can see the sun, but they only see the "appearance".

Episode 5

a, Under pressure (the motherland's order), the locomotive (A-Train) killed his girlfriend

b, Butcher explores the charity hospital and finds that "Superman babies" are being mass-produced here


The closer you are to the truth, the more dangerous it will be. On the contrary, you will live your life in confusion, but you will be at ease.

Episode 6

a, Butcher and Hughie attended mutual aid meetings and listened to others talk about the after-effects of "heroic deeds"

b. The picket team was "sold out" by Mesmer, and the people of the motherland finally knew who the opponent was


Butcher wants to trip Vought through the CIA (no way), and the natives try to get rid of the unsightly people (get what they want)

Episode 7

a. People in the motherland began to suspect that someone inside the company had designed and framed Becca (his own "friend of guns", Butcher's wife)

b. Recollection---CIA informs Butcher that "Becca's disappearance has something to do with the motherland"


The story line is basically clear, Mr. "Green Hat" Butcher vs "Experimental Mouse" motherland, the sci-fi drama becomes "Little San, Gong Dou Drama" in seconds?

Episode 8

Butcher confronts the people of the motherland, and the truth is revealed---Becca is alive, the child is innocent and lively, and he has inherited super powers


It takes courage to know the truth, especially after being "green"...

Analyze the scale.

Those who say "yellow storm" can stop (don't follow others' opinions), this work is indeed "unlimited" in thought, but if the picture is "yellow", it is absolutely "nonsense", just look at the "ass" "Yellow"? As for "violence", it also belongs to the "midstream level", which has a certain gap with the industry benchmark HBO/Netflix.

In the previous paragraph, the author mentioned " ideological scale ", which needs to be briefly mentioned.

Judging from the characters, the natives of the motherland seem to be believers (later turned into "self-worship" and deteriorated), so let's assume that they have religious beliefs. In contrast, Butcher is an authentic "atheist" (between words, clear at a glance). What does this setting mean?

① The introduction of "religion" is justifiable.

For the American people, Christianity is their basic belief, and more than 90% of Americans are Christians, which means that in the United States, religion and life have been perfectly integrated.

②Introduce "controversy" to attract people's attention.

For Christians, leaning towards "theists" (ie: Hero 7)? Or believe in a self-proclaimed righteous "atheist" Butcher? The answer speaks for itself. That being the case, why did the original book take great pains to arrange these plot points in the story? The reason is very simple, to create "topics", this approach is exactly the same as "Missionary" which entered the fourth season , attracting "controversies", attracting "eyes", and launching "selling points" .

③The practical significance, you and I encourage each other.

Why are more and more American TV series introducing "religion"? What is its deepest meaning?

The main purpose: to warn future generations (especially Christians) to recognize who they trust? Is it Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, or a "personal hero" (idol or the like) who claims to be pleasing to the Father. Introspection is required.

Dialysis the inner transformation of the characters.

Among these protagonists, except for Annie (starlight), who has maintained a relatively "pure" attitude for a long time (of course, she must have had a lot of "unintelligible and unspeakable" struggles in her heart, but she still looks like this" Still as Still Water" ), other people, heroes, boys, especially the motherland and Butcher, their transformation can be called a complete blackening.

Aside from the transparent people who hang up when they get started, the black color who avoids opening their mouths in the whole process, and the deep sea who sees the color, there are still 6 people left.

The locomotive (A-Train) and the queen (Queen Maeve) belong to people with feelings, but in this so-called hero team, they can only let the people of the motherland bury their own emotional thinking.

Annie and Hughie are actually the same kind of people. They have a sense of justice, friendliness, and willingness to help others, so it's normal for them to "sleep in the same bed" in the end. But in contrast, Annie is more persistent, more determined, and more trustworthy than Hughie. Is this because of "superpowers"?


The contrast between the inside and outside of this character has indeed allowed the audience to see the multi-faceted nature of "humanity". He can smile on the surface and laugh at the back; help on the surface and discourage it from the back; praise on the surface and stab in the back.

Of course, we cannot deny that he is also a tragic figure. He has lived in a laboratory since he was a child, and is a guinea pig. When he became an adult, he fell in love with Madelyn, an old woman who was good at making people, and was used, calculated, and abandoned. Where does the mental health of such a person come from? It is fortunate that it is not "perverted".


What is the purpose of everything he does? To kill the Vought Company.

Why kill this company? Because he suspects Becca's disappearance is caused by this company.

So why did he want to get rid of the hero camp? Because the CIA informed him that the disappearance was related to the people of the motherland.

This layer of set-up finally made the charging Butcher fall into the "brain-dead" killing mode. The funny thing is that this buddy didn't understand the ins and outs of the matter at all, and he was actually green in the end. This plot is too unrestrained .


1. Heroes are people, not gods

Since they are human, they will make mistakes, degenerate, and have emotions and desires. Just like these "heroes" (idols) in the play, except for their superpowers (which can be cultivated, take medicine, and do stimulants), all their attributes are in Within the category of "people", there is no argument.

2. There is no "absolute", only "relative"

From the perspective of the whole story, from the perspective of various characters in the play, nothing is "absolute", everything is "relative"...

There is no absolute "justice"

There is no absolute "opposition"

No absolute "rights"

There are no absolute "ally" and "enemy"

There is no absolute "evil" and "good"

There is no absolute "wrong" and "right"

3. Humanity "displaced"

The loss of the motherland is due to the sorrow of growth and the wrong love of someone;

Butcher's loss is due to misinformation and willful behavior.

Madelyn's loss is due to the desire for money and the worship of power.

If you observe carefully, the performance of these people is only an appearance, and there is only one internal reason - "degeneration of human nature" leading to "degeneration of values".

4. Competition for money and power

What factors does the success of Walter Company depend on?

1. Senior officials are implanted, and there is no problem in policy.

2. Money offensive, abundant and abundant funds.

There is no shortage of power and money. This is the success of this company. This is also the "success model" of many well-known companies in the real world. Don't talk about talent reserves, corporate culture, and innovative technologies. They are all deceptive. In the final analysis, it is two words - money power.

Therefore, the author hereby advises those idle people who are standing on the moral high ground, pointing and scolding Huai, please open your eyes and take a look at this chaotic, dark, right and wrong world, can you wake up from the beautiful dream of Huang Liang?

The plot goes to speculation

Several possibilities (purely personal conjecture)

1. The hero team teamed up with the picket team to fight against the masterminds (senior officials) and the new mutant super terrorists

2. The people of the motherland and Butcher turned the war into jade and silk, and personally joined forces to find out the truth

3. Butcher continued to fight against the people of the motherland. Although the odds of winning were small, he was green and could not bear it, so he could only die.

The plot was finally unpacked perfectly, and it turned out that the real protagonist of the first season was not a native of the motherland, not Butcher, but Becca, the only intersection between the two, whose appearance rate was negligible. Becca's red apricot came out, Butcher's green hat, Homelander's face was stunned. This story is really irritating. Any superpowers, heroes, and revenge are all fake. It's a proper brain-burning romance drama.


Screenwriter ★★★★★ (The story is so angry, it must be five stars)

Director ★★★★☆ (several directors have maintained a consistent level, the only flaw, coherence may be lost)

Actor ★★★★★ (I'm convinced, it's too real, I've been fooled)

Plot ★★★★★ (the ending is eye-catching, not cliché, enough blood)

Visual effects ★★★★★ (Blood + 1 star, dark, the same vein as "Missionary")

Sound ★★★★★ (audio-visual enjoyment)

Recommendation ★★★★★ (one of the top ten American dramas of the year)

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Extended Reading

The Boys quotes

  • Annie January: Since when did hopeful and naive become the same thing?

  • [repeated line]

    Billy Butcher: Fucking diabolical!

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