the proposal

Camylle 2022-04-22 07:01:04

Margerat, a bossy senior editor staged a fake proposal with her assistant andrew so as to get american greencard. margerat is a workaholic, whose colleagues stay certain distance from her. she is known as a person without any sympathy, entertainment and human emotions. andrew is a silver spoon kid whose father wants him to be the inheritor of family business. However, his dream is an editor and margaret can help him realise it. they all regard the proposal as a business deal at firstly.

during the time on andrew's hometown, margaret is touched by andrew's family and longing for love again(her parents died when she was 16). they both realise that they actually love each other. and the fake proposal becomes a true one.

frankly, i am impressed by margaret's characteristics for i am similar to her in some way. and the plot when they truely kiss hits my heart. growing up is a process where we leave our family and to create a personal life. just like andrew, he choose the path that is less travelled by, not the one designate by his father. and more importantly, no matter what you choose, the family is around you, support you.

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The Proposal quotes

  • Margaret Tate: If you touch my ass one more time I will cut your balls off in your sleep, okay?

  • Grandma Annie: [Introducing the new family dog to Margaret] Don't let him out. The eagles will snatch him.