Can people who don't know get married...

Evangeline 2022-04-22 07:01:04

Margaret from Canada has a strong and capable career and became the editor-in-chief of the publisher. She is called "the devil" by her colleagues behind her back. She is known for her strictness and intimidating, but unfortunately her visa is out. problem, will be deported.

She set her sights on Andrew, her little servant male secretary. This little man who was obedient in front of her was not in her eyes at all before, but this time, she wanted to fake marriage with him in exchange for residency in the United States.

In order to be able to publish his own novel to realize his dream of being a writer, Andrew also wanted to make a deal with her, but after hearing the warning from the Immigration Bureau, Andrew straightened his back immediately, because according to the law, if it is proved to be a fake marriage, Not only will they be punished with high fines, but they will also be imprisoned. Therefore, in order to cope with the investigation by the Immigration Bureau, two people must know everything about each other. That is to say, from now on, the relationship between the two people is no longer a superior or inferior, but an equal. At the same time, Andrew still felt the feeling of being asked, and there was a wonderful scene of Margaret kneeling in the street...

Margaret was forced to take a cheap flight to Alaska to celebrate Andrew's grandmother's birthday. "The good news is that I know you very well, the bad news is that you only know me for four days." This is what Andrew said to Margery on the plane. If you say Margaret doesn't know Andrew, it's for sure, but Andrew may not really know his female boss. In fact, the mutual understanding has just begun.

Facing Andrew's family, especially Margaret, the family business he owns, I was really surprised. It turns out that you are a rich man! And Andrew seems to be indifferent to everything in the family, but thinks about how to play tricks on his female boss to dispel his long-term anger at being bullied by him.

The whole family showed great enthusiasm to welcome the little lovers. Only Andrew's father seemed very bland. If they understood, the relationship between the father and son was even more lacking. The parents felt that they knew the child well, but the child did not Of course, my father thought that Andrew was responsible for inheriting the family's business, but he didn't understand his so-called pursuit of being far from home. It was difficult to understand each other even under one roof, so would the female boss you face every day understand?

Here Margaret felt the warmth she had never felt before, especially the sincere embrace after she fell into the sea and was rescued by Andrew, which made her open her heart and confided her sadness of losing her parents at the age of sixteen. Strong character... In Andrew's eyes, this "devil head" has become not only very soft but also beautiful...

However, facing the wedding, Margaret chose to escape, because she knew Andrew, his kind family, and this man who used to be a 9-to-5 but full of ambition...

From being forced to deal (Margaret promised to publish Andrew's novel) to knowing that it cannot be lost, a plot of men chasing women has been staged...

Does marriage still matter?

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The Proposal quotes

  • Margaret Tate: If you touch my ass one more time I will cut your balls off in your sleep, okay?

  • Grandma Annie: [Introducing the new family dog to Margaret] Don't let him out. The eagles will snatch him.