"Story" is recommended, it is indeed an excellent script

Houston 2022-04-22 07:01:03

This is the first truly dark movie I've ever seen. As the truth is unraveled step by step, the politics, money and power behind the murders are intricately intertwined, and this is a world where the rich can speak, and the rich can do evil. The sadness of the little man is that you think that this time you can save others and save yourself, but in fact, it is falling into a bigger abyss. The movie I watched after reading "Story" was commented as the greatest script by author Robert McKee, so with the attitude of admiration, the result was really wonderful. The protagonist Gittes came into contact with Hollis, the deceased Minister of Water and Electricity, from a derailment case, but "died unexpectedly". As the case was exposed, the facts were almost on paper. When he broke into the murderer he thought ——The woman who slept with him, the deceased's wife Evelyn's house, got new information "she is my sister and my daughter" in the fierce quarrel, an incestuous murderer, but has the right to cover the sky with one hand. Gittes, not wanting to repeat the same mistakes, decides to help Evelyn escape. But at the climax of the final escape, Marley was shot in the head, and her sister, also her daughter, was forcibly held in his arms by the incestuous pervert Cross, her father. We suddenly know that the tragedy will be repeated, even more perverted and dark.

If according to Robert McKee, the gap in this script widens step by step, until finally, it descends into darkness. Really a wonderful script. And because of the first pure dark movie, I couldn't let go for a long time.

The old movies don't have so many special effects and editing routines, and it's really enjoyable to watch. into the pit

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Chinatown quotes

  • Jake Gittes: Look, I do matrimonial work, It's my metiay. When a wife tells me that she's happy her husband is cheating on her, it runs contrary to my experience.

    Evelyn Mulwray: Unless what?

    Jake Gittes: She was cheating on him.

  • Jake Gittes: Does my talking about your father upset you?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Why, no! Yes, a little. You see Hollis and my fa - my father had a falling out - finally.

    Jake Gittes: Over you or over the water department?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Not over me. Why should it - be over me?