Polanski: Stop asking me what is darkness

Ruthe 2022-04-21 09:01:17

"More content in the public account: CUI six soils"

A false prosperity full of power

A dirty work that peeps into human nature

A desperate black tragedy

Roman Polanski's "Chinatown," written by Hollywood screenwriter Robert Donald, tells the story of Jake, a private investigator hired by Mrs. Murray to investigate her husband's extramarital affair, but accidentally embroiled in a water scandal in Los Angeles. .

The tragedy of a small man being wrapped up in a big conspiracy, he wanted to expose layers of lies but was powerless and ended in tragedy.


The plot of the film's script can be peeled off layer by layer like an onion, but the deeper it goes into the core, the more spicy it feels. The storyline is adapted from the "Watergate Incident" that actually happened in the United States, but the film does not emphasize the political nature, retaining the possibility of some misunderstandings and accidental events, which enriches the dramatic conflict.

The behind-the-scenes manipulators who control the power and money have won a lot, while those who really seek justice have lost everything. In the developed land of LA, how many daunting loopholes are hidden.

At this time, it is necessary to mention the title of the film "chinatown". Many people think that this is only related to the tragic death of the heroine in Chinatown at the end of the film, but in fact, the inner meaning of "Chinatown" can be seen in many details.

Donald is said to have had a conversation with a patrolman who was working in Chinatown when he was writing the film, and when asked how the patrolman worked in Chinatown, he replied, "We don't care about anything because the Chinese are so culturally different from ours, Sometimes I don't even know whether I am preventing or assisting a crime." This is also in line with the protagonist Jake's statement that he had worked in Chinatown and gained experience from his predecessors: "As little as possible." More is worse than less.

It is such an attitude of turning a blind eye to illegal events in Chinatown that allows people in the dark to find holes to drill. The theme the film wants to express.

When Jake was taken away by the police officer in the last scene, he left behind a meaningful - Forget it, Jake, it's chinatown.

In Chinatown, where the law and the government are out of control, "justice" is always a suppressed word.


In terms of characterization of "Chinatown", the screenwriter chose to put all the evil on one person's head-buying land in the name of the elderly in foster care, the capital giant who diverted water to cause a severe drought, raped his daughter, had incest and gave birth to a child, The real murderer who murdered Mr. Murray... It seems that the villain Cross can't find a glimmer of human nature.

His story alone occupies four of the seven deadly sins - greed, lust, arrogance, and rage.

This black character full of one-sidedness is the embodiment of human evil. We go to search for the truth, but in the end we find that we can only "face" the truth when we face it.

When the suspense of the plot is opened one by one, we seem to have walked into the unfathomable black holes.

Never able to survey where we are next and what can we do there?

Director Polanski always has a gloomy sense of loneliness when facing his thoughts on "human nature", which is not only reflected in his dark film style, but also in his different characterizations.

The protagonist Jake is a very lonely existence. During the call, the other party asked "Are you alone?" but he replied "Isn't everyone?" It is enough to see his sense of alienation from the existence of the world.

The heartfelt complaint with Mrs. Murray is that he cannot protect the woman he loves, and the final outcome is also the same, watching the person he loves being shot and killed, but there is nothing he can do.

When asked by the police officer, he said, "Is your phone number written on the wall?" He said, "I don't know, and I don't call myself often!".

Jake's identity is a private detective, and his job is to spy on other people's private lives for profit.

There is no real "right answer", and each of us will eventually become more and more lonely.


An ordinary person living in society is opposed to a huge conspiracy, most of which are the ending of "egg hits a stone", and there are few heroes who successfully resist the dark forces. Perhaps this is why they are called "heroes".

We seem to already know the doomed endings, but ordinary people without the power of their hands cannot change them.

Someone commented after watching the film that "it turns out that the real tragedy doesn't make people cry", I think this is the "darkness" of this tragedy - not painful but enough to make people feel hopeless.

Darkness will never give us a chance to breathe, "light" is only in the hands of a few people, and we can't be sure whether the "minority" hides the next desperate black tragedy.


Victims still bear the pain of being victimized

Evil continues forever Eternal Evil

We are the same, so is the world

So stop asking me what is darkness...

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Chinatown quotes

  • Jake Gittes: Look, I do matrimonial work, It's my metiay. When a wife tells me that she's happy her husband is cheating on her, it runs contrary to my experience.

    Evelyn Mulwray: Unless what?

    Jake Gittes: She was cheating on him.

  • Jake Gittes: Does my talking about your father upset you?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Why, no! Yes, a little. You see Hollis and my fa - my father had a falling out - finally.

    Jake Gittes: Over you or over the water department?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Not over me. Why should it - be over me?