
Jeffry 2022-04-20 09:01:11

Los Angeles in the 1930s,

The protagonist is a private detective: Gittes.

He used to be a police officer in Chinatown,

He later resigned to become a private detective.

Specializing in the investigation of the peach-colored affair.

One day, a woman who claimed to be Mrs. Morey came,

Tell Inspector Gittes that her husband is having an affair,

Ask to find out who that person is.

Gittes accepted the commission and began to investigate.

He learned that Morey was the chairman of the Los Angeles City Water Authority,

Arguing with local farmers over the construction of the dam.

Inspector Gittes followed Morey, chairman of the water conservancy bureau, for a long time.

It was found that he studied water in addition to watching water all day long.

It's hard to sneak into Morey's boating with a young woman in the park or it has something to do with water.

Gittes then took some photos that proved Morey was having an affair.

the next morning,

The reports and photos of Morey's affair were published in the newspapers.

Signed by Gittes Detective Agency.

Apparently, someone was trying to frame Morey as well as Detective Gittes.

Another woman who claimed to be Mrs Murray - Evelyn appeared.

She was the real Mrs. Murray, and she sued Inspector Gittes.

Gittes decided to go to Morey to ask,

Find out the truth of the incident. Inspector Gittes looked for Morey and came to the reservoir,

Discover Chairman Morey

Drowning in a reservoir. In the middle of the night, Inspector Gittes surreptitiously checked the reservoir,

The assailant who was watching the reservoir had his nose cut with a knife and was intimidated.

Mrs. Morey, Evelyn, accused Gittes,

Then her husband got an accident.

Then Evelyn dropped the lawsuit nonchalantly.

And give Gittes a check,

Began to formally hire Gittes as his own private detective,

Ask him to find out what's behind the scenes.

And the actress who pretended to be Mrs. Morey, Sessions, also called,

Said to be instructed.

This series of strange events made Inspector Gittes realize the complexity of the case.

confusing. Gittes is determined to find out.

Facing a fart-fast Mrs. Murray-Evelyn to indict and withdraw.

Has been hiding something from the detective.

Inspector Gittes could only investigate by himself.

Signature of check mailed by Evelyn,

Found Evelyn's father, Klaus,

It turned out that her father was a partner of Chairman Morey of the Water Conservancy Bureau in the early years - the actual owner of the reservoir now.

The old millionaire Claus controls the current vice-chairman of the water conservancy bureau.

The reservoir releases water out of the state every night, and fresh water is released directly into the sea.

But to the peasants in the suburbs of the city, they do not give a drop of water.

Let the land dry up, and the dry land is bought up in large numbers,

However, those who came forward to register the property rights were the names of unwitting elderly people in nursing homes or those who had just passed away.

Morey learned of the scandal and was framed.

After these events,

Inspector Gittes and her employer, Evelyn, seem to be getting closer,

Evelyn told him that her father was a very dangerous person.

While they were making out, the phone rang,

Evelyn hurriedly drove to a small villa.

Gittes followed,

Evelyn is found with the long-missing little mistress of Morey.

Gittes sat in Evelyn's car and waited for Evelyn to come out,

Ask Evelyn to tell the truth,

Evelyn said distressedly that the mistress was her sister.

Tired Gittes returned to his home and received another call,

He was asked to go to the house of the actress Silence, who was posing as Mrs. Morey.

When I arrived, I found out that Sai Xinsi was dead.

Gittes' old colleague, Sheriff Escobar, was waiting for him,

The sheriff told Inspector Gittes that Chairman Morey had sea water in his lungs,

He didn't die in the freshwater reservoir, he was killed by someone.

He suspected Mrs. Morey, Evelyn, as the murderer,

Ask Gittes to bring her.

Gittes went to Evelyn,

Evelyn is not at home,

But I learned from the gardener that the pond at home is seawater,

Another pair of broken glasses was fished out of the pool.

He also suspected Evelyn,

Drive to Evelyn's small villa outside,

Found that Evelyn was preparing her luggage,

Gittes angrily slapped Evelyn a few mouths,

Evelyn finally told the shocking truth:

Morey's mistress was Katherine,

Even Mrs. Murray, Evelyn's sister, was also Evelyn's daughter,

She was born to her own father.

Evelyn is the only daughter of the rich man Claus,

When she was sixteen or seventeen, she was pregnant with an illegitimate child and ran away from home in Mexico.

He later married his father's business partner.

The upright Morey took good care of the mother and daughter.

Evelyn then told Inspector Gittes,

These glasses are not Morey's. Due to the previous notification from Gittes,

Sheriff Escobar is coming.

Gittes asked Evelyn and Catherine to follow the servants to Chinatown to hide,

And he was stopped by Sheriff Escobar,

The detective then bypassed the sheriff through his old employer, Klee, and was able to escape.

Gittes asks Evelyn's father, Klaus, to meet at Morey's house.

Because Klaus was in a hurry to find Catherine,

Gittes took out the glasses from the pond,

It was revealed that Klaus was the murderer of Morey,

Klaus's men raised guns and threatened to take the evidence from the detective's hand.

Claus is a big buyer of dry land.

This rich man with a huge fortune of ten million dollars is so greedy,

So shameless and unscrupulous.

Klaus asked the detective to lead the way to Chinatown to find Catherine,

These people have met,

Sheriff Escobar handcuffed Inspector Gittes,

The detective told the sheriff that the rich old Klaus was the murderer he wanted to catch.

Klaus pesters Evelyn to take Katherine away,

An angry Evelyn shot and wounded her father.

After driving away, the police opened fire.

After a few shots, Evelyn's car stopped.

Gittes rushes to open the car door, Evelyn is dead,

Klaus takes the frightened Catherine away.

Gittes stared blankly at Evelyn's body.

Sheriff Escobar opened his handcuffs,

Ask Gittes' colleagues to take him home.

His colleague told Gittes:

"Forget it, Gittes, this is Chinatown..."

Although the name of the movie is Chinatown,

The film does not have a Chinatown story.

The real murderer Klaus is on the loose,

His own daughter, Evelyn, became the scapegoat of the conspiracy.

Rich and powerful people can cover the sky with one hand!

The ending is dark, cruel, desperate,

People seem so pale and powerless in the face of the darkness of society.

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Extended Reading

Chinatown quotes

  • Jake Gittes: Look, I do matrimonial work, It's my metiay. When a wife tells me that she's happy her husband is cheating on her, it runs contrary to my experience.

    Evelyn Mulwray: Unless what?

    Jake Gittes: She was cheating on him.

  • Jake Gittes: Does my talking about your father upset you?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Why, no! Yes, a little. You see Hollis and my fa - my father had a falling out - finally.

    Jake Gittes: Over you or over the water department?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Not over me. Why should it - be over me?