Plot combing

Audreanne 2022-04-19 09:01:18

Background: Coase and Murray broke up, raped their daughter Evelyn and gave birth to a little girl Catherine, Murray took Evelyn to hide Catherine. 1 "Mrs. Murray" visited Coase and wanted to recapture Catherine, and sent someone to pretend to be Evelyn to find out the derailment 2 Derailed? The dam plan is thwarted, and Murray finds out about water theft. Murray cheated on the newspaper and ruined his reputation. 3 Murray's death and Evelyn came to make trouble. Murray went to Cos to argue that he was killed and thrown into fresh water. Murray found golden light in the water. 4 Lies Evelyn noticed something wrong and lied that she hired a detective to find out the cause of death. When the detective asked about the past, Evelyn hesitated. The detective looks for Kos, and Kos says let him find the little girl. 5 Dam truth detectives go to orange groves and senior apartments to uncover the conspiracy. 6 Evelyn and Catherine Detectives and Evelyn are gentle, and secretly discover the relationship between Evelyn and Catherine. Evelyn lied about her sister. 7 Evelyn killed her husband? The detective receives a call from the fake Mrs. Murray, found killed, Evelyn is suspected of killing her husband, Murray finds glasses, Freshwater Sea Murray suspects Evelyn of killing her husband. 8 sister? daughter? Detectives are pressed to admit the mother-daughter relationship. 9 Escort mother and daughter Evelyn said it was not Murray's glasses and the detective wanted to help them. 10 Kos's all plan detectives go to Kos with the glasses, and Kos introduces the whole plan to get the glasses back. Coase wanted to make a lot of money by stealing water, that is, building dams and secretly irrigating land purchased at a low price, and then selling the land to the government at a high price. 11 Failure In the end, the police do not listen to the detectives, Evelyn is killed, and Catherine is taken away.


1 After the couple cheated on the fisherman, they received a report from the fake Mrs. Murray.

2 At the hearing, the mayor wanted to issue bonds to repair the dam, but Murray, the director of the water conservancy bureau, opposed it (there was a dam collapse, but the rock formation also failed this time), and the shepherd entered to complain (the valley water was stolen).

3 Detectives follow Murray to the dam, where Murray talks to the little boy on the horse.

4 The detectives followed Murray late, and the reservoir released water. Murray saw that he was in a complicated mood.

5 car wipers sandwiched the poster, tracked and put the watch to detect that it did not move for one night.

6 Assistant 1 finds Murray arguing with Boss, and the detective doesn't care.

7 Assistant 2 photographed Murray and the little girl together and followed and photographed kissing.

8 The barber shop found out that it was published in the newspaper and was cancelled. He was angry and said that he didn't know it. He told the Chinese people that they would turn a blind eye when they were wearing a cuckold. Suddenly, Real Murray's wife visits, accusing him of peeping into other people's privacy.

9 The detective went to the office to find Murray, but couldn't find it, talked to his assistant, and took the business card. Encountering an old acquaintance, Big Fat, reveals his past police identity, and the detective ridicules the lack of water.

11 The detective went to the house to find Murray, and saw glasses in the lake. Chatting with Mrs. Murray about the framer, the detective didn't want to drop the case, and the wife said she could go to the reservoir.

12 used a fake business card to pretend to be an assistant to enter, met a former police colleague chatting, and saw Murray's body.

13 The police went to Mrs. Murray. Mrs. Murray said she did not know the little girl and admitted to hiring detectives.

14 Mrs. Murray was sent away. Mrs. asked for a check, but the detective said nothing.

15 Going to the autopsy room to check the body, met a drunk who also drowned, wondering why so little water drowned?

16 The detective came to the bridge and chatted with the little boy on the horse about the water.

17 The detective found that the water had been flushed at night, and was warned by Big Fat and Little Dwarf.

18 The detective chatted with the government and received a call from the fake Mrs. Murray. When talking about the Boss behind the scenes, he only said that he read the newspaper bulletin board.

19 The detective sees Mrs. Murray and wants to know the truth. The wife doesn't want to talk. When he went out, he said that Murray was killed and that someone was covering up the issue of releasing water.

20 came to the head of the water conservancy bureau and knew that Maurice had cooperated to own the water supply system. Talked to the leader, said conjecture, the leader hired to frame the reputation, and Murray found that he was drowned in the water. The leader explained that the release of water was to save the orangery. The detective left his contact information and said he could help bring down the big shot.

21 Chat with Mrs Murray, who asks for Cha Murray's death. The detective said he knew that Kos was her father, and talked secretly about the past, saying that it was because of the dam that the face was torn apart.

22 Looking for Kos, Kos paid a lot of money to find the little girl. Coase lied.

23 Go to the orange orchard to see the name of the title deed owner and tear it off with a ruler.

24 went to the orange orchard and was beaten, and found that it was not the same as what the director said, not being irrigated and being poisoned. Being knocked out, Mrs. Murray took him home. To tell the truth, water is not given to Los Angeles but to orange groves, and now the poisoning is to drive away farmers to buy cheap land and build dams to add value.

25 and Mrs. Murray found an old man and an old lady sitting on 50,000 acres. They were almost caught, and the two escaped.

26 The two were affectionate and chatted about the past...

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Chinatown quotes

  • Jake Gittes: Look, I do matrimonial work, It's my metiay. When a wife tells me that she's happy her husband is cheating on her, it runs contrary to my experience.

    Evelyn Mulwray: Unless what?

    Jake Gittes: She was cheating on him.

  • Jake Gittes: Does my talking about your father upset you?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Why, no! Yes, a little. You see Hollis and my fa - my father had a falling out - finally.

    Jake Gittes: Over you or over the water department?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Not over me. Why should it - be over me?