Maybe the heroine is not Cross's biological daughter?

Amber 2022-04-19 09:01:18

The film is still good, but it's being touted a bit too much. I wonder if the director and screenwriter don't seem to be well-connected, so why can't I see this film everywhere... What a disappointment I am looking forward to. Tucao.

1⃣️ Slot one, the slap in the face that the male protagonist is like a mentally retarded domestic violence

The part where the male protagonist deleted the female protagonist's slap in the face was wonderful, but it was completely out of place in the whole article.

The lady just slept with you! ! How do you go about it? Didn't you just still have feelings for it?

Does the male lead really think the female lead killed Hollis? Drunk homeless male protagonists don't believe that they can drown in a dry river. That pond is only the depth of a pair of glasses. ? How hard does the heroine have to work? Who helped her transport it there? Everyone drives a convertible during the day, it's too conspicuous (slot 3)

Besides, the heroine and Catherine are so close in appearance and height (I messed up once), and hollis is a perfect tool person in the play (slot 4) It's not like a nonsense, my friend and I guessed the first half Catherine is the illegitimate daughter of the heroine. The male protagonist has seen Catherine several times with his own eyes, and even had sex with her mother. They look so alike, is he blind? Even if he is blind and Noah keeps asking about Catherine's whereabouts, he can guess that this is another daughter of Noah, which is a product of incest. Anyway, I guessed it? He is a detective! !

2⃣️Slot 2, the whole Chinese element feels like it was put together later, especially the pond terrier and the servant terrier. This piece is a hodgepodge of ethnic elements, Mexican, and western cowboys, as well as traditional white people. It's not that racist, but it's a bit of that.

As soon as that pond appeared, I wanted to rant.

Next to a Chinese-style pond is a Western-style lawn. Even if the moss is difficult to support in Los Angeles, you don’t need to shave all the grass into an inch. The most amazing thing is that the grass by the pond is an inch, but the weeds you fish out are whole? ? ? The pond is a sea pond, and there are goldfish in it? ?

That pool is so short, it is deeper than glasses, the male protagonist is crazy to think that murray can drown in it

The decoration of the hostess's house doesn't match the pond at all, and the drink is still lemon tea. Where does the hostess have Chinese elements? ?

The heroine's father doesn't seem to have any connections in the Chinese circle (or where the heroine hid Catherine, someone reported it early in the morning), why does the heroine use all Chinese servants? If there are many Chinese in Los Angeles, the heroine escaped to Mexico, and in the end she had to ask the cheating wife at the beginning to send her to Mexico... How do I think the heroine's father looks like a Mexican... This, this...

Wouldn't it be nice to hide directly in Chinatown or go north to San Francisco?

The man who cheated on the wife in the title is actually meaningless, there is only one tool, the little boy on horseback who speaks Spanish can also be deleted, the Mexican elements can be deleted completely, and the heroine's father can be changed to a Chinese street boss

And what happened to the western cowboys in the orange grove, the orange industry doesn't need horses... Western cowboys grow oranges, it's funny to think about... Can the farmers in the orange grove be more ordinary and not be so handsome? ?

The traditional white women in the landlord's nursing home are very happy to patch together, each of them is both literary and artistic, thrifty, and kind old people. Isn't this the legendary Puritan?

The most worthy of complaining is that the heroine does not have any resemblance to her ugly father, and his father is probably married to a beautiful blonde just like his wife cheated on him.

In addition, hollis is a British name.

There are too many racial elements, and it tastes like that.

3⃣️ Slot 3, the heroine simply died for death

The heroine was not killed so many times in the previous shootout. She was killed in the last time. The car in front of you could go around for several times, but she didn't hold on for the last time.

If the heroine and Catherine were finally recognized because they didn't wear hats (not to mention the scumbags that can be encountered as soon as you turn around on the street corner), they didn't wear hats because they were not afraid of the sun at night, then you can put the top of your convertible at night. close? You went to the nursing home a few days ago, didn't the car cover co-author? You drive a luxury car in the middle of the night, with blond hair and an open top, all the way from Chinatown, wish no one would know? Besides, didn't the male protagonist find you a pickup truck? By the way, why didn't the male protagonist look for a wife who cheated on him in the end not show up to take the female protagonist to Mexico, and also asked the female protagonist to drive by herself? ? Oh, could it be that the domestic violence man was leading the way, and the heroine followed by her own car. This is true, for fear of being seen by others?

4⃣️ Slot four, there are too many tools in the film

The heroine ran away at the age of 15 and gave birth to a child at the age of 16. Even Catherine is 16 years old. The heroine is 32 this year.

The heroine's father looks like sixty, right? He said he didn't have two days to enjoy family time.

If Hollis is forty, it is also possible to take over the heroine. He is about ten years old, but he is a bit perverted when he likes Catherine. Besides, isn't he a good guy with a cuckold, it's unlikely. According to the female lead, is Hollis really in love with her daughter? ? ?

Mexican man is also a tool man

Is the heroine's servant Kahn also a tool person? Did the heroine say that he is also in the list of land purchases and sales (I can't remember this paragraph), but from the beginning to the end, Kahn and a group of Chinese The servant also did not betray the mistress. In short, the servants are all tool people, or the Chinese in this film are all tool people...

5⃣️ All in all, the story is a good story, and the screenwriter and director are also very strong, but there are indeed many elements

I deleted too many racial tools, such as cowboy fights in orange orchards, white men gunfights in nursing homes, Mexican green hat men, Chinese servants, little Spanish boys riding horses... There are so many things, it is really easy to be sprayed. To put it poorly, serious people are easy to show their cowardice, and dishonest people are easy to show their secrets

Either engage in excitement directly into the North by Northwest kind, and increase the element of the male protagonist's adventure. It's just stealing, lying, plumbing escapes, stunt driving, nose cutting, hand-to-hand combat, etc.

Or take the emotional and rational interlaced route, and write about the emotional entanglement of the male protagonist, the female protagonist, hollis, Katherine, and noah. In this film, it is puzzling that noah wants to have Katherine's father's love but rApe the female protagonist. In fact, this bridge section is completely unnecessary. If you want to write about the evil side of noah, you can write more about the dam that collapsed before. Besides, as a friend of hollis, noah should still have a kind side, how can he rApe his own daughter? ?

Um? Um? Um? How do I have an amazing idea?

What the hell, a shocking discovery? ? ? Is the heroine noah's own daughter, just like the Mexican green hat man in the title, when the heroine was 15 years old, he found out that he was green and blackened since then? ?

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Chinatown quotes

  • Jake Gittes: Look, I do matrimonial work, It's my metiay. When a wife tells me that she's happy her husband is cheating on her, it runs contrary to my experience.

    Evelyn Mulwray: Unless what?

    Jake Gittes: She was cheating on him.

  • Jake Gittes: Does my talking about your father upset you?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Why, no! Yes, a little. You see Hollis and my fa - my father had a falling out - finally.

    Jake Gittes: Over you or over the water department?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Not over me. Why should it - be over me?