Heartbreaking HAPPY ENDING

Alivia 2022-04-19 09:01:20

I have always liked HAPPY ENDING. The prince defeated the devil and the princess was happily together. But after watching The Mummy 2, it subverted the previous idea. Although the lively and lovely heroine and the righteous hero are still very happy together, it is heartbreaking that the villain Imorton finally let go.
Immorton tried his best to resurrect, and he worked so hard in exchange for his lover's NO. It's really sad. Is it set like this because he is a villain? In their previous life, priests and princesses, they all dared to break taboos and bravely be together, why should some people let go in modern times? This is extremely unreasonable. Their feelings have gone through the examination of interests, morals, ethics, and even life and death, which can be said to be indestructible. I can't accept the writer's approach, Immorton and Anna Sui are the ones who should be happy ending.
Or according to the assumption of ADAM SMITH, people are all economic people and will make decisions that are beneficial to themselves, then after paying so much, the opportunity cost will not allow them to be separated.
But I still prefer this movie...

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The Mummy Returns quotes

  • Rick: [to Scorpion King] Go to hell, and take your friends with you!

  • Ardeth Bay: [on seeing Rick's tattoo] If I were to say to you, "I am a stranger traveling from the East, seeking that which is lost"...

    Rick: Then I would reply that, "I am a stranger traveling from the West. It is I whom you seek." How...

    Ardeth Bay: Then it is true. You have the sacred mark.

    Rick: What, that? No, that got slapped on me when I was in an orphanage in Cairo.

    Ardeth Bay: That mark means you're a protector of man, a warrior for God, a Medjai.

    Rick: I'm sorry. You've got the wrong guy.