how you look like

Lillian 2022-04-22 06:01:02

I have always felt that painting is an art that can express emotions more accurately and directly than words.

To describe a person in words, that person can only exist in imagination, just as there will be a thousand Hamlet in a thousand people's hearts. But the person drawn will never change anyway, just like Mona Lisa's smile. After so many years, when I look at it, she is still in good shape, and no one will recognize her as Sister Furong.

Maybe in this era of mobile phones with large-pixel cameras, painting no longer has the meaning of realism, but it is completely different from the instant photography, which is like taking a picture, that is, seeing and forgetting, but the person you want to paint first You have to fall at a certain point in your heart, and then grow lines like roots and buds. With the outline of the lines, the figure slowly emerges. At first, although the face is blurred, the eyebrows and eyebrows slowly grow out. After the snout, fleshy hair grew out of the skin, and small folds and shadows on the skin grew. When you are concentrating, everything in the world has stopped, and the person in your eyes is frozen in front of you, only your own mind flows freely with the brush, you can draw the elegance of the corners of her eyes and the brows, and the corners of her mouth. She is playful, and she can even draw her slightly fluttering nose and shy eyes. With your strokes, she slowly comes to life, and the soul of the person in the painting is gradually clear and recognizable as if it emerged from the deep sea. The moment when the soul leaped out was an instant, that is, an eternal moment. You created her like the Creator, and she will never disappear again.

Think about it, what a miraculous and wonderful thing such a finishing touch is formed and the finishing touch is.

The male protagonist in the movie has the ability to stop time. He travels in the cracks of time like a delusional sufferer. Those beautiful women shopping in the supermarket turned into vivid stone sculptures and stood still in front of him at that moment. He slowly drew them with a pen, and then let them go away contentedly.

"At a certain moment, when you see a person walking on the street, she is so beautiful, you can't help but stand still, intently looking. Then imagine me now, when the world is suspended, it is easier to understand the definition of beauty. Beauty is just It freezes before your eyes and is captured. Beauty does not know it."

Although the image looks amazing, it may be just an fascinating fantasy that every man has ever had. In their own private world, everyone wants to keep the beauty and enjoy them slowly alone. It is meaningless elegance or vulgarity. Painting is just an obscure metaphor.

The most touching moment of this movie is that the heroine slowly becomes a vivid picture of the hero when she is still, which is obviously more unreliable than the man in the painting by the magic pen Ma Liang. The YY of the spectrum is even more exciting.

It greatly stimulated my enthusiasm, so during this rare holiday, what I did the most was to face the sunshine on the beach every afternoon and draw her in my heart over and over again. Although the painting skills are not good at present, I think there will be one day in the future, she will smile vividly at me under my pen.

Because this is what Fengchen can't portray.

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Cashback quotes

  • Ben Willis: You can speed it up. You can slow it down. You can even freeze a moment, but you can't rewind time. You can't undo what is done. I thought about what she had seen. I thought about what she hadn't seen. I thought about how I could explain, but the more I thought about it, the more I knew nothing I could say would make her anger go away. How long could I just wait here, delaying the inevitable?

  • [first lines]

    Ben Willis: It take approximately 500 lbs to crush a human skull. But the human emotion is a much more delicate thing. Take Suzy, my first real girl friend. My first real break-up, happening right in front of me. I never thought it was going to be similar to a car crash. I've slammed the breaks, and I'm skidding toward an emotional impact. So, is this all my fault? Me, Ben Willis. It's funny what goes through your mind at a time like this. The two and a half years we spent together. The promises we made. The holidays we took with her parents. The lamp we bought at IKEA together.

    Ben Willis: It was my final year at art college. And in the weeks that followed the break-up, I tried to figure out what went wrong. Why did we break-up? It's funny, but when I think back now, the reasons seem so small. One day she's with me and she's saying I love you, and the next week she's with someone else, probably saying the same thing. So did she really love me? What is love, anyway? And is it really that fleeting?