German time and space travel brain-burning drama ~ don't be unfinished

Alvena 2022-09-29 16:44:28

"Dark" Season 1

The difference between past, present and future is just an illusion

Even if the hallucination is very persistent

--Albert Einstein

Celtic Triangle - "The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning"

Do you believe in evolution or reincarnation

Isn't it also because of the "wormhole" that Malaysia Airlines 370 lost contact?

Complicated narrative lines, cyclical time horizons, tangled character relationships, plus lies and betrayal make it difficult to vent after watching this drama, but the more you watch it, the more brain-burning it becomes. Anxiety is more and more related to the title of the film. The screenwriter dug a lot of holes in the end, I don't know if I can justify it, I just hope it doesn't end up unfinished~

Compared with the comics "Daughter of the Nile" and "The Sky is the Bank of the Red River" when I was a child, "Xun Qin Ji" in college (exposure of age) and later popular "Jingxin" and "Palace", "Darkness" is probably The most realistic time-travel drama, you can pass through the cave on the mountain behind your own home. It's very simple to think about. Of course, most of the time travel in the past was just a means of showing the fate of the characters, and time travel was just a momentary thing, but in this play, time really becomes the protagonist, it dominates our destiny, but we are powerless to change, Even if we find our way into the labyrinth and our self-belief, any effort to change it seems so futile. Because the deception set by time is the biggest deception, it is difficult for us to find what is the cause and what is the effect in the infinite loop, the cause is the effect, and the effect is the cause. He thought he was destroying the wormhole, but in fact it was because of his "destruction" that he created the "wormhole". Yesterday's "wormhole" did not come from the "past", but from the "future" As a result, everything the protagonist tried to change became meaningless, which is very similar to Sisyphus in Greek mythology, who pushed the boulder up the mountain, and the boulder kept rolling, all the previous efforts were abandoned, but it kept repeating and never ending. To do this, the protagonist's life is slowly consumed in such an ineffective and hopeless work. And the whole article is full of such futile little details, such as why Helge from 1953 was injured, and it was caused by people who "traveled" back. Not only did Ulrich fail to save the lives of those children, but he killed them. Helger's actions caused what happened in 2019. Before the truth was discovered, the fate was already doomed, perhaps the biggest anxiety of watching this drama. So what's the point of us watching this play? Since the ending is already doomed, the fate of the characters will not be changed. Crazy, we can only expect what the truth of these conspiracies are for, and whether the protagonist can discover the secrets of those fate nodes and find the one that can be unlocked. In short, the screenwriter just wants what to do, and our brains probably can't come up with it.

In addition to playing tricks on the narrative, the only thing in the TV series that can make people feel real is the four families spanning 66 years in the play. Each family is full of betrayal and lies. Some of those lies are because of love, and some of them are because of A secret that we can't justify ourselves, the only character I hate is Hannah, the little girl is good-looking but she's so bad at heart, she really does anything to get love, she can't see her husband's feelings, and never Caring about my son, apart from wanting to rob other people's boyfriends and other people's husbands from childhood to adulthood, if you don't get it, you will destroy it, and if you are obsessed with it to the extreme, it will be a bitch to the extreme, making it impossible for people to have any role in substitution. In addition, the priest Noah, who is the manipulator of all things, has not been able to show his character and purpose. This should be the focus of the second season. His worldview as the villain is estimated to have to be discussed for several episodes. "Time is an eternal battlefield, countless cogs are intertwined, and the final victory can only be achieved by waiting patiently. But our time is coming, and we will liberate human beings from their innocence and free them from pain"

It is said that this TV series is the work of the main creative team of the movie "Who Am I? There is no absolutely safe system". After checking it, the director and screenwriter are both Baron Bo Odal and Jantje Friese. I don't know if the director and screenwriter will design one in the end. How about a ring-in-a-ring deception? After all, a series of reversal plots are revealed at the end of the movie. I hope that the mystery of the final TV series will be uncovered, not the worst ending.

The cinematography and soundtrack of the TV series are great, especially the episodes, but the narrative is a little slow. Although it is produced and distributed by an American company, the TV series is still very German, with endless forests, continuous rain, the toughness of German women, and Germans who don’t use umbrellas love jackets. . German TV shows always have a style of philosophical thinking, how the world is connected and how we live. Germans are very good at abstract thinking, and the way to express darkness is also very religious. Jonah has been going back to the "past", and finally opened the wormhole and came to the "future". Do you think the screenwriter does not have enough characters? You can only watch the drama according to the character map.

In the future, it's better not to know... Because human beings have the habit of revising themselves

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