Unfortunately, after The Matrix

Alana 2022-04-21 09:01:20

As far as sci-fi action movies are concerned, the film should have a score of 80 or more. Hollywood has imagined many forms of human future society, but this one is really disgusting from the heart. If everyone no longer has an independent personality, all artistic creation becomes a crime, and even expressing emotions becomes the basis for human punishment, what kind of society will this be? It is inevitable to overthrow it, but by whom and in what way? But you have to wait until that moment to know. Although the action of the film is not as gorgeous as "The Matrix", as a Chinese, I can clearly see the oriental color in it.

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Equilibrium quotes

  • John Preston: I'm coming.

  • DuPont: It is not the will of the Council, it is the will of Father and he is law.

    John Preston: Sir... without the logic of process, is it not just mayhem - what we have worked so hard to eradicate?

    DuPont: You must understand, Preston, that while you - and even I - may not always agree with it,it is not the message that is important, it is our obedience to it. Father's will. Call it faith. You have it, I assume?

    John Preston: Yes. I have it.

    DuPont: Good.