Law is not everything

Jasen 2022-04-21 09:01:23

The plot of this movie is average, the scene is very hot, it is suitable for leisure and entertainment, if you are tired from work, you can choose to watch this movie to relax.
This film is somewhat similar to many American shootout films, and it is also a re-engagement of veterans in social struggles. It seems that American veterans are not destined to be truly idle. There is always an opportunity for them to play their strengths again, whether it is destruction or rescue. In fact, sometimes destruction and rescue are mutually transformed. Destruction means another kind of rescue. destroy. If "Brave to the Dead Island" is the destruction of veterans, this film is obviously the salvation of veterans, at least in his own opinion. Like many outstanding soldiers, Swag has a strong patriotic spirit. They have faith, but they have no judgment. This is the characteristic of soldiers. They have good organizational discipline. Well, regardless of whether the superior's order is correct or not. Swagger's loyalty to the state is exploited by treacherous rights holders. When he found out, he was almost desperate, so he was destined to start his own road of escape and revenge. How to escape and how to take revenge is no longer important, because this kind of movie is destined to let him escape successfully, and only if he escapes successfully can he get the chance of revenge. Revenge is also bound to succeed, and at most it is to die together. Because only the success of revenge can demonstrate the concept of justice over evil. As for how to escape and how to take revenge after escaping, it all depends on the director's ability. This is also the selling point of the movie. The plot is so simple, the scene design is not good, and the box office is difficult to guarantee. Facts have proved that the director is still very capable. The whole process of escape and revenge makes the audience feel anxious from time to time, and is always worried about whether Swagger can escape the pursuit of the police. The scenes are tense and exciting, on the level that a movie of this type should be.
Swagger's final vengeance was not so much for his own frame-up as for the injustice he felt against the law. I feel like a hero like Swagger wouldn't take revenge for a little personal grudge of his own. When he accused the senators of their crimes, he stood on the side of the African civilians who were killed, and he seemed to be the legal spokesperson for the murdered civilians. However, what puzzled him was that in the face of hard evidence, those in power were triumphant, because they committed crimes abroad, domestic laws had no right to convict them, and they were still under the banner of freedom. It is extremely ridiculous, he has worked hard to escape from the tiger's mouth, and now he has the opportunity to accuse them with sufficient evidence, but the result is nothing. How ridiculous! Where is the heaven? Since the law can't punish them, just do it yourself, so we can think of the end of the movie. Law, originally equal, is a tool used by disadvantaged groups to safeguard their rights. However, what we see here is the powerlessness of law. From this, we can say that the law is not omnipotent, even if you have enough reasons.
Law, after all, is made by people, with the interests of those who make the law. As a tool, the law is a tool to maintain social fairness and justice and maintain social harmony. However, what is the meaning of this fairness, justice and harmony? Is it yours? mine? poor? Whoever holds the social power has the right to interpret the law and has the...

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Shooter quotes

  • Nick Memphis: [sips coffee, chokes, coughs]

    Mr. Rate: [smiling] Good coffee?

    Nick Memphis: Yeah.

  • Mr. Rate: Would've been a bad job to take, though.

    Nick Memphis: How come?

    Mr. Rate: Whoever took that shot's probably dead now. That's how conspiracy works. Them boys on the grassy knoll, they were dead within three hours. Buried in the damn desert. Unmarked graves out past Terlingua.

    Nick Memphis: And you know this for a fact?

    Mr. Rate: Still got the shovel!