After the horror, did you pay attention to the conspiracy theories in the film?

Darian 2022-04-21 09:01:23

After reading some of your comments, the evaluation of this film is quite high, and they all like to use labels such as action and thriller. What I want to say is something behind it.

The background of the film may only be regarded as necessary for the plot, but I think that the black director Anthony Fuqua still wants to use business to tell the audience some of his understanding of the US government. The exposure of the American political circles in the film is already obvious, and it is not easy to describe it as corruption. Behind the US government, as the sniper (bad guy) who committed suicide said, is not one bad guy and two bad guys, but an interest group, a set of bureaucratic and capital systems that check and balance each other. Being like a cowboy with a gun won't solve the problem. Democracy and the rule of law sound like perfection, but they can't do anything about these dark sides.

My own language is very pale, here is the movie review of whiml (Pony Crossing the River.):
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To fight against the darkness of a country with the power of one person, no matter how superb a sniper is, in the face of a complex system in which interests are above everything else, he is pale and powerless. This is also the ending. Although it is very satisfying, it seems that at the moment of the explosion, the evil is also wiped out with the collapsed house, but watching Swig drive the car and Sarah away, the empty fields reveal helplessness and sadness.

The victory of good over evil seems to be the end of a fairy tale, and the neat solution adopted by Swigg is just wishful thinking.

Then it feels a little scary, power leads to corruption, and when confronted with absolute power, how many Sveg snipers are there? And it's a fictional character. For the first time I felt the suffocating horror of being unable to turn around in the face of a country where dark powers ruled everything.
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Regarding the U.S. government, you can refer to his own personal experience written by American John Parkinson: "Confessions of an Economic Killer" and "Economic Killer: The Global Truth of American Fraud". The book details the U.S. government under the control of capital and interests . Some people say it is a conspiracy theory, but what about the invasion of the Middle East, the cheap employment of Southeast Asia, the cut blood vessels in Latin America and the war in Africa (the arms supplier is the United States)?

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Shooter quotes

  • Nick Memphis: [sips coffee, chokes, coughs]

    Mr. Rate: [smiling] Good coffee?

    Nick Memphis: Yeah.

  • Mr. Rate: Would've been a bad job to take, though.

    Nick Memphis: How come?

    Mr. Rate: Whoever took that shot's probably dead now. That's how conspiracy works. Them boys on the grassy knoll, they were dead within three hours. Buried in the damn desert. Unmarked graves out past Terlingua.

    Nick Memphis: And you know this for a fact?

    Mr. Rate: Still got the shovel!