Shooting is awesome, right?

Freda 2022-04-19 09:01:23

When I was a child, I liked the subject of snipers very much, because snipers are cruel and ruthless, and the most important thing is to be like a "ninja"! Being able to kill people invisibly, and being able to get out of the body after completing the task, often makes people feel miraculous and inconceivable. Life and Death Sniper is such a movie with a sniper as the protagonist.
I have seen the introduction at the World Film and Television Expo on Central Channel 8 as early as possible. The Hollywood-style plot, American-style personal heroism, and there are precedents for the assassination of Kennedy and other films. This film has already let me lose my expectations, but when I watch it. When it comes to the promotional film, I still think it is worth watching. After all, I still appreciate Mark as an actor. Recently, I watched two of his films: "Infernal Affairs" and "Invincible". Moreover, the black director Fuquaya is very good at action movies, and he has also won the first black Oscar winner in history (training day), and his strength should not be underestimated. After watching the whole film, as expected, there are a lot of fighting, gunfights and explosions, but the lack of bright spots in the whole film always makes people feel uneasy.
In the film, Mark, played by Swanger, was one of the best marksman snipers, but an operation in Ethiopia failed, his superiors abandoned him, and his brother died in the battle. He was tired of the cold firearms career and decided to retire in the mountains. Disappear traces. Unexpectedly, someone came to the door one day. The colonel said that the president would be assassinated. He hoped that the implementation of the assassination would be prevented and stopped by Mark's ability. Out of patriotism, Mark agreed. When the president came to power that day, Mark was shot twice before he could react, and he fell from the upstairs before he died. It turned out to be a trap. A senator used Mark as a scapegoat. Who knew that he was unlucky and found the protagonist. Do you think they still have fun? The protagonist is an immortal Seiya! Because of this, the protagonist has to clear his name and point his sniper rifle at the person who had deceived him.
The plot is like this, I believe everyone must have the same feeling as me, vulgar! Yes, I watched it for two hours with high expectations, but I was very disappointed. The lineup of the director and actors is still good, and there are exciting scenes, but the time processing does not feel good. It suddenly calmed down, and it took a long time for it to become attractive again, so every time I was about to fall asleep and wake up again, but I was about to fall asleep again when I watched it. Okay. Then there is the music. In terms of soundtrack, there is no one that stands out at a critical moment in the development of the plot, so that even after watching the film, I don’t know what music has been played. Because of this, some clips are not exciting enough for me to mention. Get up. But it is not without good things. The protagonist talks about the things that snipers should pay attention to like a narration, such as the sniper's camouflage, heart, factors that affect sniping, sniper battles, and sniper shooting. I was very excited to listen and watch, I felt fresh and learned a lot of professional knowledge.
The plot behind the film is remarkable, especially when it comes to justice: "Not all justice can be done here; and now is not the Western Frontier era when all problems can be solved by a gun; but Sometimes we still have to look for justice outside the law." This is what the film said to the protagonist, which is obviously asking the protagonist to commit a crime! I really don't know how the plot is like this? It's no wonder, thinking that the United States is not just using this sentence to mess with Taoism? As a result, the protagonist killed the whole room like a god without blinking his eyes, which made people feel ashamed!
The inexplicable ending, Lao Mei likes to do it like this. You said that the protagonist is very good and kills everyone, so what should he do? I think it should be the death penalty? If so, he might as well kill those people on the snowy mountain, adding 20 minutes of film in vain (deceiving the audience?)
By the way, I forgot to mention that beautiful women are indispensable in a movie. The film is no exception, and it must be closely related to the hero. Who knows that the heroine is the woman of the hero's good friend, but the ending is... unimaginable, subverting the modern concept.

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Shooter quotes

  • Nick Memphis: [sips coffee, chokes, coughs]

    Mr. Rate: [smiling] Good coffee?

    Nick Memphis: Yeah.

  • Mr. Rate: Would've been a bad job to take, though.

    Nick Memphis: How come?

    Mr. Rate: Whoever took that shot's probably dead now. That's how conspiracy works. Them boys on the grassy knoll, they were dead within three hours. Buried in the damn desert. Unmarked graves out past Terlingua.

    Nick Memphis: And you know this for a fact?

    Mr. Rate: Still got the shovel!