about humanity and justice

Erwin 2022-04-19 09:01:23

In fact, at the beginning, I was looking for a movie similar to "Bourne Bourne". I wanted to seek the excitement and enjoyment brought by Bourne, so I watched the movie "Sniper of Life and Death". Technology aside, today I just want to talk about the thinking implied in the film, which may also be the director's original intention, that is, the torture of greedy human nature and the reflection on weak countries and imposed democracy.
Although the plot is a bit old-fashioned, the suspense, the scene, the performance of the protagonist and the temperament are all good overall. Although I still haven't been able to beat the agent NO.1 in my mind, The Spy Shots is still a good movie. . It's fun to watch, relieved, and still unfinished, especially some classic lines. The following is divided into several parts to share my humble opinion.

(1) The old expert on assassination

guns and snipers said: "But assassination is not a good thing. I am afraid that the person who shoots the gun will not survive. Conspiracy and trickery all end like this. The person who assassinated Kennedy did not live for three hours, and their bodies They're all buried in the desert near Tringua." "When you think you understand, it's not."

I thought, maybe the lines are not just about the assassination itself, but also about some purposeful group. The dark matter alludes to all the shady and filthy deeds, the deeds that take human life and violate fairness and justice.

(2) About human nature

"Once a man becomes a wolf, it is difficult to be manipulated by others and be slaughtered by others."

"You don't understand at all, you can't find the culprit at all, they are a community of interests, if any of them betrayed The principle of wealth accumulation, they will be abandoned, which is determined by the greedy nature of human beings, which cannot be removed with a gun.”

A good principle of wealth accumulation. In fact, it is about human nature, original sin, and greed. I think this is a problem that has been humiliating and unsolved for thousands of years. How to overcome it? How to solve it, I think the director still has it. It's optimistic, because the male lead finally wins. The male protagonist at least represents justice, kindness, conscience, courage, and is a strong man. In the end, he won. In fact, it gives people hope that it is still good, whether it is realistic or not. At the end of the film, the taste of heroism is diffused, which is the case in most American films. The brave and capable people who work alone are extremely inspirational. This is also the cleverness of the introduction of patriotic education and political socialization in the United States.

(3) About social fairness and justice

Rawls stated in "The Theory of Justice" that the legitimacy of society comes from justice and justice. However, in real life, politicians, profiteers and other people with scheming schemes are ravaging the beauty that may exist in the world. Look at the lines of the congressman - "In fact, it doesn't matter which side, there is no such thing as Sunni or Shia, there is no Democratic Party or Republican Party, there are only the poor and the rich." Very typical jungle thinking, the weak are strong. In fact, the gap between the rich and the poor exists in any society in any era. It is just how to set a stable degree, so that the society has a mechanism of upward and downward mobility, so that the strong can compete for the upper hand, and the lazy can be eliminated.

In the relationship between strong and weak countries, should the so-called institutional transplantation be stopped? "But it brings peace to the whole area, and from now on they don't have a vendetta because their ancestors belonged to different tribes, they like us." Do they really like it? Or are they numb, do social and cultural diversity and inclusivity still exist? Still back to the greedy side of human nature, where there is oil, where there is capital, where there is silver. Does something universal exist? Such as soft towels are what people need, such as environmental pollution should be dealt with seriously all over the world, there is no comparison.

(4) Only talk about Fengyue?

For the time being, this passage is filled with some original lines, and I will not express it for the time being.

That nothing, no matter how horrible, ever really happens without the approval of the government, over there , and here. The problem isn't the doing, it's the people in power having to admit , that they knew.

Suggest everyone to listen to Hong Kong A song "Only Talking About Fengyue" composed by Lin Xi, a lyricist genius.

(5) Add two wonderful lines

There's only haves or have-nots.

Only the poor and the rich.

I'm a United States senator!

I'm the current senator of the United States!


that damn

(6) Zhan Wang

hopes that there are signs in the world for us to bravely answer Liang Shuming's question: "The world will be fine"! Of course it takes everyone's effort, everyone who gets out of the cave.

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Shooter quotes

  • Nick Memphis: [sips coffee, chokes, coughs]

    Mr. Rate: [smiling] Good coffee?

    Nick Memphis: Yeah.

  • Mr. Rate: Would've been a bad job to take, though.

    Nick Memphis: How come?

    Mr. Rate: Whoever took that shot's probably dead now. That's how conspiracy works. Them boys on the grassy knoll, they were dead within three hours. Buried in the damn desert. Unmarked graves out past Terlingua.

    Nick Memphis: And you know this for a fact?

    Mr. Rate: Still got the shovel!