life is an adventure

Kamryn 2022-04-20 09:01:11

Life is an adventure, a game of the brave. Due to various reasons, such as cowardice, fear, laziness, greed for pleasure, etc., I get stuck in a certain place, and I can't get out. The next step is to jump out of the current model and step into a new world. Of course, there are new challenges, but these must be faced, and it is these experiences that enrich life. The focus is on the form, not on what the specific test is, but on whether you have learned what you need to learn from it, and whether you have the courage and wisdom to go to the next step and face higher challenges.
Because this movie is relatively old, the special effects and other things don't look real enough, but I think its conception and meaning are still very good.

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Jumanji quotes

  • [1869, Benjamin and Caleb are burying a chest]

    Benjamin: What if someone digs it up?

    Caleb: [dramatically] May God have mercy on his soul.

  • Billy Jessup the Bully: Just because you're a Parrish doesn't mean you can hang around with my girlfriend.

    Alan Parrish, 1969: We're just friends.

    Billy Jessup the Bully: [chuckles] Not anymore.