Playing with curiosity and prying psychology

Ayla 2022-04-22 07:01:03

First of all, I have to admire how strong the screenwriter of this film is. In this whimsical and bizarre film, John Malkovich has become the subject of research and has been slaughtered. In addition, although the film There is value for people to study again and again, but it is difficult for people to watch it again. Therefore, my evaluation of this film is "weird classic".

1. About "seventh floor and a half": The first time I saw the building actually has "seventh floor and a half" in the movie, I immediately had a bizarre feeling, and the film also explained its origin in a very joking way, the truth How it seems that only the screenwriter's brain knows. The film seems to be playing tricks on us, and it also sets the "weird" tone of the film from beginning to end.

2. Prying psychology: In fact, everyone has this kind of psychology, but some people have "sublimated" and some people haven't. This is not a perverted psychology. The protagonist of the film, Craig, is a down-and-out puppet actor. He found a company in the company. He found a secret passage into John Malkovich's brain to spy on his life. He realized that the life of a star was different. So he began to spy again and again, and even took his own wife. Pulled too.

3. Becoming John Malkovich: Of course it is not wrong to have a curiosity and prying mind, the wrong thing is that this psychology has become a weapon for possessing someone's mind, when Craig possessed John Malkovich's mind. , Although it got a short-lived glory, it ended in tragedy in the end. Some people pay too much attention to others, but deny the value of self-existence. John Malkovich's brain also seems to be a metaphor for a kind of "institutionalized" thing A symbol of it. Like Shawshank Prison, the long time you spy on it, you want to be him, or even possess him forever.

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Being John Malkovich quotes

  • [During a job interview]

    Dr. Lester: Which of these two letters comes first, this one or this one?

    Craig Schwartz: The symbol on the left is not a letter, sir?

    Dr. Lester: Damn, you're good. I was trying to trick you.

  • Dr. Lester: Any questions?

    Craig Schwartz: Just one. Why are these ceilings so low?

    Dr. Lester: Low overhead, my boy - we pass the savings on to you! But seriously, that'll all be covered in the orientation.