Who cares the most

Katelyn 2022-04-22 06:01:02

This year, there are so many men who cheat, and of course there are also women who cheat. In short, thousands of stories like this have been heard!

John Tucker Must Die, I saw this movie a year ago, and now when I turn it out and revisit it, it seems to have a different feeling.

The movie is nothing more than trying to reveal a simple and pure truth for us-good and evil are rewarded, what is meant by a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

Maybe a similar emotional story is happening around us.

When you love someone deeply, give them selflessly, and miss him day and night, he may not love you as much, or he just likes you a little bit. So, such an imbalance makes you feel heartbroken. Therefore, you swear that you will not treat someone who is willing to give love to you in this way. Just after you were hurt by this man, you met a man who loved you like you loved him back then. He loves you so much and wants to be with you all the time, as if he can do anything for you. At that time, you seem to love him so much. The only reason you love him turned out to be: He is so good to me, I shouldn't hurt him. As a result, this imbalance is happening again, and one day, the man who loves you so much will leave you because he can't get the same response.

In this world, there is no unrequited love. We love someone, and we always hope that the other person can give us the same love, which is also a kind of "repay." Although these are not betrayal, there is no deception, but the unequal love of two people. However, I think this is even more cruel. "The reason why I can't be with you is not that our love has faded and I fell in love with others. But, in fact, I don't love you that much at all." I don't know how you will be. I am afraid that Weeping blood. This is the cruelest breakup.

The ending of the movie is very memorable. Tucker and Kate said that he was starting to tell the truth, and the truth was that he would make several girlfriends frankly and then introduce them to each other. Just like the emperor in the past, he completely lived the life of three wives and four concubines. In fact, Kate and their "retaliation" didn't really change Tucker, he was still the man who would deal with several women. Just imagine, if Kate unfortunately fell in love with Tucker in this way, then who would be the last to cry blood.

Therefore, in the world of feelings, the one who cares the most and is the most vulnerable is always the person who gives true feelings. In other words, it is the person who loves more thoroughly and purely.

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Extended Reading

John Tucker Must Die quotes

  • Heather: John and I belong together. He's the varsity captain, and after all, I AM the head cheerleader.

    Beth: Sorry what kind of cheerleader?

  • Heather: So I talked to John. He was sweet. He felt bad for you. He said that you were jealous because we share something special. Something that we don't have to label because...

    Beth: [interrupting] Because it's our unspoken bond and I just love how secure you are?

    Carrie: And it hurts me to question it, because...

    HeatherBethCarrie: [at the same time] ... YOU'RE THE ONLY GIRL FOR ME?

    Heather: Damn! He said the same thing to all of us!

    Beth: Figures. He makes up with us and he hooks up with us...

    Carrie: [interrupts, whispers] You guys hooked up?

    Beth: John and I share something special.

    Carrie: Oh what, that they been both in your pants?

    Beth: We share a vegan/nonviolent outlook on life.

    Heather: [under her breath, coughs] Hippie slut.

    Beth: [sarcastic] Oh nice, Heather. It's not like everyone doesn't know that little Miss Cheerleader brings it on.

    Carrie: What, you too?

    Heather: John and I belong together. He is the team captain and I am the head cheerleader.

    Beth: Oh, I'm sorry, what kind of cheerleader?

    Carrie: Oh, like he'd take either of you two seriously?

    Beth: Do not lump me with her!

    Heather: Oh so what, you're now better than me?

    Kate: Shut up.

    HeatherBeth: [peeved] What?

    Kate: Sorry.

    Heather: You got something to say?

    Kate: No, it's none of my business.


    Kate: Okay, let me guess. Does he always use pet names like "Baby" and "Sweetheart?" Yeah, it's not out of affection, it's so he won't mix up your names. And he's all about an unspoken bond or something special, but never about a relationship. And the whole arrangement was your idea, so you feel guilty that he cheated.

    Heather: Oh my God, you're dating John too?

    Kate: No, I knew a guy like him... Skip.