The film tells the story of a troubled boy scout and a troubled teenage girl who escape from an island together. When they first searched for the two, everyone didn't understand, they just wanted to get them back and make them stop contacting in the future. As the two were found again and again, they chose to flee again and again. Everyone was moved by the emotion and persistence between the hero and heroine, the help of other Boy Scouts, the help of the police and the instructor, the help of the girl's parents, the original Problem children are gradually understood. In fact, there is no problem, but it is all because of the lack of family and love.
What struck me the most was that when the hero and heroine held a "marriage" ceremony, the person who presided over the ceremony knew that they were still children, but they still helped them carry out the ceremony and maintained their seriousness and purity of their feelings for each other.
The final ending was a happy one. After these difficulties and obstacles, no one should be able to shake their feelings. As an audience, my sincere congratulations to them!
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