clean, beautiful, pure

Austin 2022-04-19 09:01:26

Before writing such a small fresh literary film, can I complain about the Chinese translation of Hong Kong? ! "Elementary School Chicken Elopement"? ? Are you kidding me? ! No mood at all!

Well, the ranting is over, back to the topic. I have a very extreme taste in watching movies. It is either a commercial blockbuster or a literary film with a lot of love. It’s just that the great commercials are often available, but the refreshing and loving literary films are not often found. Well, Wes Anderson’s Moonlight Rising Kingdom" is such a rare and good-looking literary film. The small freshness of the movie lasts from the beginning to the end, the picture is clean and beautiful, it is hard to find a match, the happy yellow runs through, making the whole film have a sense of happiness without worry (exception at the end). Oh), the pink of the heroine embellished in it makes the film look extraordinarily beautiful and sunny. Of course, my favorite is the soundtrack, so I took a look at the original soundtrack, Alexandre Desplat, oh my God, he's been nominated for the Oscar for best soundtrack four times (three of them in a row), which is too bad people, right? I have a hunch that he's going to win the golden man with his excellent soundtrack in "Moonrise Kingdom".

The success of commercial films is easy to pick out and evaluate, but it's hard to say for literary films. Because, they are often the highlights of the whole plate! For example, in "Moonrise Kingdom", the plot is handled very well without any delay. The story unfolds at the beginning, and then tells the ins and outs while the plot develops. This is not something that all directors dare to do, because a little bit If you are not careful, the plot will appear disorganized. Of course, this film is handled quite well (is there a part of the credit for the trailer?), the main line of the story is still very clear, perhaps because the story is very simple, and literary films are like this. There's no conspiracy theories, there's no big interest group or international context, it's often a simple story, not a simple way of telling, and then, well, it's something the audience can't forget for a long time.

Edward Norton has always been slightly distressed and sad, but it fits in well with the characters in the film. Well, Bruce Willis, ahem, I'm getting old, I'm too lazy to complain about "Ring Messenger", but, in this film, it's still pretty good.

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Extended Reading

Moonrise Kingdom quotes

  • Sam: [whispering loudly] Get out of my chimney.

    Skotak: Listen to me. We're here for friendship. We're going to get you off this island.

    Sam: [whispering] No, thanks.

    Skotak: Yes, thanks. This is an emergency rescue.

    Sam: [in normal voice] It's worthless to me. There's no point, not without Suzy.

  • Suzy: We might have to swim for it.

    Sam: How deep is it? I didn't bring my life jacket.

    Suzy: I don't know but if it's too shallow, we'll break our necks anyway.